Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

architect is an assassin name

What’d be the point of making profit for the clan if you can’t use any of it to get more profit? You should be allowed to spend as much as you earn at the very least.

Man, at these prices, it better take AT LEAST 10 heavy explosive cannon barrages to break it.

In other news.

T8 walls better look like this

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Good luck trying to capture any island that is being controlled by one of the top 10 clans

Who would try that?

And I heard a long while back that clans that are real big winners get global islands just for them, so we won’t have to worry too hard about the super jacked ones.

capitalism :eagle:

For 250k? Better take 100 shots each wall with a warship heavy mortar using heavy explosive rounds

Ngl 250k for anything is stupid.

Nah I have the ultimate technique, the only way to breach the walls (Only works if they have a gate):


You get a member to leave the clan, and enter the base. When they’re in, invite them back.

Didn’t vetex make wall hight just ridiculously tall bc sky islands? Just use a 280% knockback windmage to fling yourself over the wall

ngl, I imagine the tier 8 walls look like the huge overblown walls around Alalea
Alalea really just looks like the ultimate clan build.

no, he made the invisible barrier that tall

They have invisible walls that go up infinitely unless they hit a sky island, so you can’t close in Lord Elius or something.

tier 8 walls costing more than a sunken iron set :skull:

HELLO!?!?!?!?!?! These prices are INSANE this has to be so unrealistic cause there’s nooooo way what the hell

This brings grinding to an entire nother’ level, this actually might be worse than sunkens

I hope these walls are extremely wide because what’s the point of buying the walls to go around your entire island if you can’t even purchace all of them? Because you could have all tier 8 walls and tone tier 4 wall, people will just target the tier 4 wall

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Would Tier 8 Walls even be added this update, because I’d imagine they would need way better siege weapons to destroy, which we don’t have yet

keep in mind our level cap is only like a fifth of the endgame level, it’s likely that only up to t4 or so would be practical for our level

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