Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

If we really do get to turn any ship into a skyship, then I think it could come some time after Full Release.

id love to show it but thatd be leaking

but most of the actual island itself is just water, but the actual base itself with interior and stuff is probably bigger than silverhold overall, just not 4x bigger


a sailor fists dream island!!!

I am so down for the island being more land than Navy, it killed Silverhold to only have a 10x10 sheet of grass.

we need a base like azkaban in this book cover

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Why does that look way cooler than in the movie?

because the book is usually better than the movie in most cases

idk i’m currently in the third book which is that one i sent the image and uhh idk bro i’ve been reading too much harry potter and i haven’t really seen any movies so i can’t tell if it’s better or not, i’m not even in the part where they go to azkaban yet

Do they even do that?

i don’t know i think they just stay in the school and then they go to the dark forest just likje the 2 other books idk the book’s title is not azkaban it’s the prisoner of azkaban so


They should have called it Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban who goes to a middle school and hangs out with kids.

does he even do that bro stop spoiling also we should have a special npc rank in the grand navy whose wear outfits like the executioners in sameria/ palo and are stronger than liutenants

How big?

Am i the only one who sees Ormolu for the first time? Seems to be added recently, or im just tripping

I think it’s been there, looks familiar to me

It’s not all that new, it’s been there since King Caesar and Hallbjorn were there.
Ormolu’s just really forgettable and boring compared to the other two.

Ormolu is better than Hallbjorn, considering Hallbjorn was already mentioned in game and it’s just a fog curse guy

I can already imagine bugs making random fog clouds to appear everywhere with no trace of Hallbjorn.