Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

or maybe it’s just a buff which increases the user’s agility and reduces their gravity by 20% or something

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could you be me, stranger, perhaps from faraway?

not… out of the question actually

the patrimony is almost certainly to be Zeus’ so agility buffs are not suprising ( even if one would expect it from Hermes more )

Maybe Spirit Walk is like Skyrim’s “Become Ethereal” shout, you become translucent and can’t harm or be harmed for a short time. And maybe it comes with temporary mobility bonuses, like better jump height and faster move speed?

I dunno, I am betting it’s at least a mobility skill though.

Oh I didn’t see this :skull::sob:

great, now I’m forced to be a knight

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spirit walk is a normal rite, so it’s not locked to the EP
so it doesn’t really matter what god it would fit with best, since every spirit weapon can have the skill

WTF b-team?? Call me conservative, but this is like swapping mages skillset with berserkers. Its ridiculous!

maybe theres a bunch of basic rites and vetex just pick whatever suitable to put on the EP?

Did I miss something…?

Vitality is getting reworked

hey, at least the change is pretty understandable

vitality right now gives a lot of extra hp, and once you’ve awakened (except if you’re a savant) you don’t get any penalty for this high health and you get a passive size boost and potentially a free damage boost from the synergy
also the built in drawback is just not really fun. I’ve said this earlier in a post way before we knew much more about spirit weapons outside of what was on the stat builds page. we already have drawback, so why give an entire class drawback for just existing?

also, now vitality has just a huge amount of base health, resulting in higher health glass cannon builds, which was what the initial damage reduction was supposed to solve. but since imbuing something with spirit energy removes this damage reduction, it’s just back to the high health glass cannon builds

a simple way to fix this is just by making vitality not increase your health anymore, but also remove the drawback since that’s just not necessary anymore at that point.
the regeneration buff is good, because it makes the stat unique compared to the other stats, so it’s not just ‘magic + weapon’

vitality is getting removed

Ohhhh, that.

Yeah, the enormous HP you could gain from investing in Vit was a bit out of control, ngl. Still, I don’t think it shouldn’t give any HP anymore, kinda defeats the purpose…

The four stat builds: magic, strength, weapons, and weapons 2


I am sure zeus would have more to do with attack size rather than agility

Lightning Arcanium stuff gives Attack Speed and Agility primarily.

It might not necessarily be Zeus’s thing but it’s definitely the token traits of his Element.

Yeah but we are talking about zeus.
Not a lightning mage.
His power is called grand lightning for a reason

The wind paladin truly offers a gold experience

Thats litteraly one of Poseidon’s abilities.

Not sure if it existed in AA, but in AR there is a dev-only magic called Poseidon magic, which allows you to walk in air.