Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

AA Impact fist was both incredibly busted and incredibly funny

radius fist has the potential to be very funny if we can imbue it with a 1.3 size magic, just imagine the AOE

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yeah… “funny” :frcryin:

Alternatively: Radius warlord

Radius imbued, Dense Halbert with Crushing judgment

Who needs synergies when you can just make your attack undodgeable

If thats all AO was about the game would’ve been dead in 2 days

We love our boy Thorin.

Step aside Explosion-imbued Sailor Fist, we have a new meme build.

shit argument
you literally attack other ships for chests as one of the main ways of getting better items
arcane odyssey is a mainly pirate game with a story and exploration, just because you’re not pludering from players doesn’t mean ur not plundering

actually depending on who you’re allied with, such as the grand navy, you would classify as a privateer, which is basically a government sanctioned pirate

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Wait can clans ally with the gn or as?

Not in the literal sense, but with Subclans existing now with GN and AS ppl technically yes.

I hope vetex adds a guild alliance system for the update I want to be allies with members of other clans and be allied with the grand navy without needing to join

Crazy how people keep spouting this joke of an argument.

The game never states it’s a pirate game anywhere on it’s Roblox page (source: LEARN TO READ).

Pirate where?

It has elements of a pirate game, but it also has elements of cooking so does that make it a cooking game? Or a fishing game? Or even a bodybuilding game because there’s a muscles gamepass and it technically says that only the strong survive?

Almost nobody cares about plundering other than a few pvp dickheads or that one clan that caused a lot of drama. The game isn’t a pirate game. It clearly says that the genre is “Adventure” and Vetex says its a story based game first and foremost.

Anyways I actually don’t know what the possible “calm and collected dicussion” may be about, I just feel like mentioning this.

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can yall both shut the fuck up PLEASE :sob:

With how long the grind is for sunken items, it sure feels like one

After the dark see update maxing out armor is really fucking grindy now gems,enchants,modifiers…

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AO is very clearly meant to be a pirate game, even if they don’t state so. You’re basically doing a “wElL tEcHnIcAlLy It’S nOt,” when this entire game is based off magic pirates. My proof for this is this entire game’s premise, and it’s also very clearly inspired off of One Piece so there’s that.

Remember when build making used to be quick and simple? Pepperidge farm remembers.

Kinda wish we had a npc to craft gems for you but :sob:

Don’t get me wrong I love the dark sea update but it really did change things

Also I’m still mad vetex won’t allow us to upgrade armor past a level cap now