Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Tier 2 enchants this early into the games lifespan was in my opinion a very big mistake

Oh shit I think I know where this is heading

I can’t go onto an island, fuck their NPCs up, and then send the clan member a message saying “Your NPCs kinda sucked. Smith was fun to fight but he’s dead now. Pls replace them soon”

Now what are pve players gonna do for this update

fortify their islands so pvpers can’t reach where they’re farming
to be quite honest pvers have the massive advantage as pvpers rarely ever invest in things outside of their gear

No need to get so pressed Ill change it for you :wink:

I change it for you paprika

I changed it with my own art
+9999 Aura imo

acceptable. Especially the part where you made it yourself.

I… what?? Pvers… have a massive advantage? What massive bombastic nonsense are you spouting??

Pvp players have dozens to hundreds of hours of experience. I’d argue they have a massive advantage over pve players.

Also, you need a good set of armour to pvp, while you dont for pve.

So all pvpers have good gear, while not all pvers do.

I simply cant fathom where this massive advantage nonsense is coming from

I interpreted it to mean resources in general. Things like food and potion ingredients.

I seen Clan people as bunch of buffoon dickhead thinking they are superior than everyone

potions, likely more galleons to invest in defenses, not that hard to understand

dude potions barely get used ever :sob:



even pvers rarely ever use potions because they’re so weak for their cost

Outside of maybe healing potions there isn’t any real reason to use potions, and I barely see ANYONE using them ever. A few were good for a time on release and then they got nerfed into the ground, so there isn’t any reason to use potions outside of gimmicky builds or PvE.

potions should be buffed by a ton, they’re consumables that are hard as all heck to hit they should have SOME sort of use for literally everything except for healing and maybe slowness gel

Good potions take too long to obtain for such small modifiers to combat, in fact I’d go as far as saying some have no reason to exist whatsoever.

mfw I lose to a guy because he used a legendary potion he spent 2 weeks grinding for (this is too unbalanced pls do something seletorch)

I’m talking petrified and slowness, ironskin for a bit too when you could actually use it on other players.