Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

this is like saying that we shouldnt have ancient stuff, artisan stuff, or arcanium stuff at all because only one class could use each

we’re currently arguing about whether or not an instanced frigate interior would be good or not


Five, hundred, heavy exploding shells.

Somebody has actually said that before though, and it was goofy as hell.

Someone has to do the mistral quest and Kenton quest at the same time

Do you understand the image yet?

Five, Hundred, Players who don’t do ship combat because you can just kill the captain

five hundred players who realize that you need to do ship combat to get all the loot

PLAYER ship combat.

Five, hundred, fucking idiots arguing about a feature that will be added in 2026 at the rate vetex is going


ew you do player hunting?

I said nobody does that.

abt the cabin thing just make it so u can only go into it if ur ship is stopped

Chat, we need to gank stocksounds. They are gonna use thermo so dodge carfully


Who cares about whether it’s moving or not?

stock is gonna use thermo light old weapons savant then complain about how small the attacks are or something

i already said make it so you can only enter when you’re not in combat

“ lemme just go in my cabin for a sec”

“Oh hey the dark sea”

bc if u go into the cabin to hide cause someone’s attacking u then ye gotta stop the ship which is disadvantageous

You can do that with a brig, making it an easy downgrade.