Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Misinfo, they’re losing the extra hp and instead have lifesteal

Other than visuals, the health was what made vitality, it’s even the entire name.

its being renamed to spirit

Kid called unfinished build missing the actual face of it (spirit weapons)

its almost like thats because they had nothing else before that


watch this shit turn into another 300 message long conflict

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I don’t even see why we need a whole new stat with a whole new name to directly replace one, instead of just having both.

Think it already has


Hey Genie, that’s a special enemy dropping a spirit weapon, aka, a boss drop.

special enemy =/= boss
atlanteans are special enemies but they arent bosses, so are sirens

Okay, fine then, does it matter that it’s a slightly broader context of the enemies that can drop it?


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no, man

shut up fandomoid

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what gimmick would vitality even have, it just defense that makes you do less damage and forces you to use the extra health to do regular damage, making it moot and even giving you less health than before


its so you can run better

Honestly, if it were up to me, I would have made vitality not have drawback effect, but Vetex decided it will. The extra health is the perk, but Vetex unperked it by adding the drawback.
So now we had a build with no plus side, and less stat points into other builds

yeah cause without it it would be the undisputed meta