Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

I would have loved, just ADORED all spirit weapon content we can get, but with the Vitality rework, I’m just not excited anymore.

Hollup I just checked for what is top in magics rn

When the fuck did plasma become a top tier???

i like it, the health drain sounds like it’d be annoying to manage, and i just prefer regen over hp in general

I hope you’re ready for magic 2!

Apparently disliking the rework is a wiki thing, so I understand now why I am wrong, I am in the wrong community!

Ah yes, because the wiki more devoted to discussing the other users than the actual game is more reliable on game logic than the forums GAME DISCUSSION category

Common wikoid L

Honestly, the only reason I came here is because the wiki ran out of ideas for AO and started just talking about marrying each other.

Also, you’re not right either. It’s opinionative!!!


Tell me again how everyone here is wrong but you

Why is it so impossible for you to allow for opinions to exist?

Cuz I like to argue online

Also you are far too up your own ass with theories for your own good, the fact 4 people refuted your aether charging theory and you still think it’s “heavily evidenced” makes it hard to tell if you are serious or not when you post shit like this


I’m not even saying it’s definitely true, I’m just saying it’s highly evidenced anyway! Your opinions on my theory are being validated, and you still can’t shut up about it. You just don’t want me to believe it for no reason.

I’m not gonna say it

Aether charging theory? I haven’t heard of that. As an Aether fan I’m curious

Be warned, it’s literally just a boss gimmick stock ran with

Well, the idea is simple. Aether’s not just natually good with a long windup, but it’s instead fairly below average when uncharged, but powerful when charged.

This is explained by imbued Aether in Triasta of Bronze having 0.9x damage, 1.1x speed, and 1.1x size. Additionally, some of Calvus’ weaker attacks aren’t charged, and his massive iconic pillar explosion of death can be launched without being charged if you hit him first, for much less damage.

soooo your theory is literally just that it has a higher power curve on charging? Which is at the moment completely unprovable since it exists only on a boss atm?

Yep. Hence theory of course.

Didja miss this part


Didja miss the part where it IS unprovable, and that’s why i’ve been calling it a theory?