Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Well, the idea is simple. Aether’s not just natually good with a long windup, but it’s instead fairly below average when uncharged, but powerful when charged.

This is explained by imbued Aether in Triasta of Bronze having 0.9x damage, 1.1x speed, and 1.1x size. Additionally, some of Calvus’ weaker attacks aren’t charged, and his massive iconic pillar explosion of death can be launched without being charged if you hit him first, for much less damage.

soooo your theory is literally just that it has a higher power curve on charging? Which is at the moment completely unprovable since it exists only on a boss atm?

Yep. Hence theory of course.

Didja miss this part


Didja miss the part where it IS unprovable, and that’s why i’ve been calling it a theory?

Theory implies there’s some form of real evidence that can’t be explained otherwise.

Occam’s razor dumbass

I can see it, that’d be kinda cool but I think it would be an underpowered gimmick compared to other lost magics, since charging is so unviable right now. Maybe if Aether has both charred for synergies and the charging gimmick, that might be enough for it to be good.

It’s actually completely provable, as vetex has fully coded aether and can use it in game

A patron can literally ping him and just ask, hell, one is here right now

Well, it does. It’s like how Snowy isn’t the gimmick of Snow.

It sure doesn’t seem underpowered when you’re fighting Calvus, sooooo…

I think we’ve been over this, and somebody said he’d say no.

Calvus has Uber-pumped up boss health, he can tank the hits you land while charging

The average player couldn’t, even if this was true the bteam would whack it out of existence 10 seconds after its player accessible

Okay, your argument is just that “But they’d make it poorly!” right now.

No, that’s one of the like 4 parts of my argument, the others include

Could just be boss gimmick
Other bosses could imply similar, but proven to be untrue things
Vetex literally has aether get someone to ask him

I said “right now”. Like how I’m so done with your bullshit right now.

And your argument is literally

“there are 3 moves that have long windups, so it’s probably true!”

God, please shut up.

No, for the like 4th time at this point I like arguing online

If the only winning move is not to play, you are making blunder after blunder right now.


“I am instigating an argument, and you are a fool for allowing me to!” Don’t bite the hand that feeds you.

Personally, I’m fine with arguing, but the reputational toll is a bit much.

Bounty +10

Oh wow, the daily Hyperspace and Stock argument. What’ll the next one be about, how KitKats should be eaten? Who can be seen as less annoying faster? You two seem like the people who take sentences like “I love pancakes” and respond with “So you hate waffles?” for the sake of a small ego-boost on Twitter.

Anyway, Evander looks cool. Wonder if he’ll use a Fighting Style too or just his greatsword. Speaking of which, I kind of wish that it was named the same as his title, although that might cause some confusion with his armorsets also having that little detail.