Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

The hand that feeds me is filled with plastic pizza and has its middle finger up

I like arguing, but this isn’t even an argument. There’s barely any evidence and you are just insulting me and the fact that I’ve been thinking of even more ways to disprove it.

So yes, I will bite it

Hey if stocksounds continuously falls for it, may as well

How about you shut the fuck up?

  • To hell with you!
  • Curse you!
  • Didn’t ask.
  • You don’t have rights within the United States.
  • Freddy is coming.
  • I know a guy.

Combine the stocksounds and the master baiter, to create imaginary bullshit to argue about

Imaginary argument: aether magic…

Proving my point about starting crap just for an ego enhancer. Argue in DMs, nobody gives two left pisses about what y’all are on about.


Now if this doesn’t change the topic back to the topic itself, I’ll question why I woke up in the morning (kind of). Is anyone going to only enslave “recruit” castaways with funny names, like Peter Griffin? On the same note, will we be able to dress up our workers in the same way we select our character’s appearance? It’d be a little funny seeing people replicate pre-existing NPCs for their shopkeepers.

That’s exactly what I was thinking! Walter White will be the best Alchemist the world has ever seen.

least pointless discussion thread argument holy shit

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Less about ego, more about I think it’s funny

Also I know I’ll never convince stock unless vetex confirms it, so may as well show others. If you really think it’s fucking shit up call a leader/mod to separate it into a different thread

While I dont need any of Evanders gear… I can clearly see the passion JTN and da AO devs put in while making him… Can wait to mistake him for a baby assasin ketch and be mutilated by a giant cutlass

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Are people not looking at the icon first, THEN the ship itself?

Yeah Evander is peak AO character design. Something about the wrapped arm and brown shoulderpad contrasting with the heavy metal gauntlet just appeals to my brain. Also whatever those metal things are hanging by his thighs are pretty cool. The warm parts of his mostly-gray color scheme, like the red cape and blonde hair, pop pretty well, especially with the bright pale red aura balancing out the palette when he starts fighting.

Evander took me 2 days to make which is not as fast as Dusk (who she got approved in only an hour) but compared to other characters and mysterious NPCs that i will not name, he is definitely in the fast one.

He has metallic gray shoulderpads.


Go and look for icons in the sea without seeing ships first, I dare you.

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
:face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Oh maybe the lighting is messing with me? His right shoulder pad looked brown, I thought it was leather.

Huh, my bad, that’s brown as hell.

God, he looks so strange with one fingered arm and one meatball hand.

Their next argument is where they will go for their honeymoon (/j)

I can’t wait to make use of the Gauntlet of the Mountainbreaker accessory.