Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

would’ve been too strong, mages could use pulsar!!! (pre nimbus)

Were people ever actually even using ult art leap???

never even seen it

It was good on mage when it came to juking people (you could draw them into a corner and then use forward leap to gain a great positional advantage) but most people opted for explosion instead

Bait used to be believable

Bait still used to be believable


adventure story, block tales, I know those are turn based but it still proves my point

I did, better to use a slot on increased mobility than on a move that’ll easily get blocked at best due to cast time or dodged, and it’s not a whole lot better than normal attacks. Ultimate damage moves are useful for ambushes, maybe large explosions, but they are easier to block and punish.

Idrk if Adventure Story can be considered an MMO, and it’s a generality, obviously some decide otherwise

why wouldn’t it be

aren’t true MMORPG’s basically one single server instance with a ton of areas to explore like eve online and starscape

I think the first actual MMORPGs were WoW and Dofus? Not sure tho

Bait really used to be believable

ok lil yapper

Vetex said he is not sleeping because he is finishing all the islands
This is why he is the #1 game developer, EVER.


I’m so happy I was wrong :pray:
Vetex sacrificing for us fr

we getting actual variation in treasure chart locations with this one :speaking_head:

unless he doesn’t do it which I wouldnt blame him for

its like 6 islands

With how dedicated he sounds to adding the islands (even willing to pull an all-nighter for it) I’m sure we’ll get at least a few, which I’ll be content with.