Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)


For those curious on what style Evander uses

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Why does it matter if it’s skill, luck and other factors can and should play a roll

no they shouldnt

There was a bug that allowed you to use argos weapons skills as a warrior, and the weapon aura made the abilities look like how the attacks from argos look. This would be why

if i were him i’d try to add 3 islands tonight and 3 tomorrow OR 2 tonight, 2 tomorrow, and 2 in the following night

i suppose they just have a high strength stat but never learned a fighting style, interesting

Where’d you get 2 hours, 46 mins and 40 secs from.



100 * 10 = 1000/60 = 16.666 = 16 minutes, 40 seconds.


300 * 10 = 3000/60 = 50 minutes.

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assuming i place 10, i could take 50 minutes to get a max blocking jewel

Why not? It’s a Roblox game not chess lol, we have armor for a reason isn’t that chance already?

It’s not something that happens DURING combat, but before it

i just realized there are gonna be entire islands dedicated to generating huge amounts of rare reagents


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Ok but they still affect the game during combat, what if you have a speed build but someone 2 or 3 shots you with power build is that then a 100% skill based result?

What rare reagents that weren’t already easy to get lol

golden apples certainly werent

small clan mfs realizing how many cargo runs they’ll need to do to build a small wooden shack on Limestone Key:

simply sell hoarfrost conch

brute strength is confirmed to be not real


No more 150 m1 pirate captains, wooo

What’s vetex going to do to replace their anti-melee capabilities then? Nothing?
If that’s the case, then the new best way to PvE (and exterminate atlanteans) would be to get real personal with them.