Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Domorrows the day bois

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there are other seas than the ones we know, could be the sixth

sixth was confirmed to be maurading sea. I dont think thorne would be there

We’re getting 2 lost magics in one update. i know we wont get to use them, but im still freaking out

evander and who else? i think evander was confirmed to have one?

Evander doesn’t have magic just a big ass sword

Valerii was recently confirmed to be guarding from Thorne attacks in Fort Castrum, and Castrum is in the Southwest.
Cassia Town was also in the Southwest, and it got attacked by Thorne.
The Vimir Sea is Southwest of the Bronze Sea.
I bet it’s Vimir.

very happy ult art cannon is usable by mage because my crystal ult art explosion got nerfed to hell

was a semi confirm out of 3 hit snare, now it’s gonna be much slower

Valerii and rear admiral Amelia are the ones with the lost magics coming this update

I really wanna see what the architect has. I don’t think that’s been revealed yet. Might be the first thing I go and see after release.

Based on the title “Architect Kalliste, the Rumbling Fist” probably some fighting style, given that no specific one has been stated I’d imagine its one we’ve already seen, but if not that’d be pretty awesome.

Didnt vet say the level cap for full release would be 175 or am I tweaking?

Yeah he did

Could make sense, my only question is could Keraxe and Thorne Empire coexist in a single sea? I kinda still have a hunch Thorne is more south but not too far south

wait, ravenna and thorne are still enemies? i thought there was some sorta peace treaty after battle of blasted rock? i guess it was just a cease fire

I’ve got a feeling that the Prince of Thorns and Wotan could take each other in a fight.

Thorne Empire booked tf out of Blasted Rock even when they killed Octavius, probably due to Octavius being revived by the Experimental Curse

They cant. That was mine too

they might be the two most powerful people that fight at the end of the nimbus sea