Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

and they just left him there? calvus would have ordered them to capture his dad and bring him back and at least throw him somewhere. ravennas an absolute monarchy. i dont think they would disrespect there king.


sand form around tornado gets sucked in, pulled up, and then flung back out. this is even how tornados work in game, what the hell is the evidence that the tornado is the source of the sand, this reasoning has more loop de loops than the goddamn euthanasia coaster

Okay, giant sand tornado, kills you instantly if you step into it, who would do that, especially who would succeed?

argos and olivar and valerii (julian probably was really yong then and not actually a general so i guess olivar, cause i think akurius chaos attack happened after

Wouldn’t it be more disrespectful to lock him in a cage…

The tornado is going up into the cloud above, meaning that it should be falling from the sky as well.

No argos is one of the ones we killed, im talking living
Ok wait whos olivar i haven’t heard of him

ok i guess yall have a point, i surrender :frowning:

argos was still alive during the battle of blasted rock

Just imagining Octavious Caesar in a cage in the throne room just barking at you during the Calvus intro.

that’s just how tornadoes work.

it could easily be being flung out beforehand, and the fucking sand isn’t even a point of contention

which do you think is more likely, the town on a sandy area with sandstone sea stacks nearby was always sandy, or that a fucking time curse created a tornado constantly spewing sand into the surroundings

i already said that that was a bad theory stop yapping

Ohh ok so jtn was talking about the battle then and not currently, mb gang :ok_hand:

Alright, fine, whatever, but it also says “Your body was lost to TIME.” When you walk into it.

If you die in the dark sea, you’d sure as hell also be lost to time, but it’s different with this, because it’s actual time.

olivar was stationed in akursius keep before it was destroyed. he was mentioned in rackham’s journal

3 hours left until trailer!!!

ok then, so the eternal tornado on the rock is eternal, big whoop.

also I never said it wasn’t time RELATED, im saying its not the time curse specifically

  • General Olivar
  • General Argos
  • General Valerii
  • General Julian
  • General Zaix
  • General Verdia
  • Captain Rackham
  • Captain Larcos
  • King Calvus
  • King Nero
  • King Octavious
  • Finally, Prince Revon
  • Lord Ulicrus
  • Lord Elius
  • Lady Carina
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