Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Thats for government use. Most people use mmddyyyy

Actually, its all over the place, but still

i feel like it depends on the region

in my country literally no one uses mmddyyyy

hello, i asked this question and took this screenshot, dont know exactly how vetex interpreted it, but all i asked was if hybrid builds could use ancient magic, which is a resounding no…

rip my plans for electron/shatter conj :broken_heart:

To be fair ancient magic is regarded as the peak of magical prowess according to the trello. It wouldn’t make sense for hybrids to have access to such things.

Im confused, i thought mutations were scrapped and scrolls / teaching-magic was added as retcon.
Alas you can have infinite magics, but you have to learn them through scrolls, but your first magic is like the only one that you cant change cause you are born with it or smth.

From what I recall, mutations are the “natural” way of obtaining lost/ancient magics but you can be taught how to use certain magics

Then i especialy dont understand why we wont be able to change our first magic…

Maybe vet can add mix of mutation (for first magic) and scroll usage for 2nd and 3rd magics

The more stuff vetex changes/adds to the lore the more confusing this whole thing gets

Old lore was better, change my mind

The weird name changes… Alright, I can put up with that. The new spirit energy and magic being intertwined, weird and a lot would have to be changed, but it’s fine.

I don’t like that the minds were retconned, I found the idea of neurological magic systems cool. :((

I assume it was to tie magic users back to the gods, as well as give an explanation as to why paladins have a unique spirit color

I see. The main reason I said this was because iirc you could be able to use magic circle casting if your spirit energy was raised high enough.

I don’t know why, it doesn’t make mages feel special anymore

Oh, I was referring to a different screenshot that amiuri is talking abt, which is from discord. The screenshot had someone asking if first magic is limited to lost/ancient and Vetex replied no.

They assumed that meant you cant change first magic to lost/ancient, which isnt the case.

But yeah, no Ancients for hybrids, Im not surprised as all the other legendary stuff will also be build exclusive.

its not even in the right order you donut

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yes it does

i agree with you :fire:

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Do you also think Fahrenheit is better than Celsius (it isnt)

MDY makes sense because it reflects how we talk here.

YMD makes sense because it reflects how computers sort.

DMY makes no sense at all in American English, and if you’re thinking about using it in the US or to accommodate Americans in a mixed workplace, use D Month Y with the month reflected in words, not numbers.

Fahrenheit fails at being everything, cause Celsius and Kelvin exists :sob:

Like, huuuh

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It IS better

Yes, in the US, but not everyone is from there, so…

Cause you’re used to it

Yes this technically makes the most sense and I actually wouldn’t hate it, and I also wouldn’t hate MYD