Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Okay I’ll admit the other Celsius dumb stuff whatever I’ll 100% agree that I think Fahrenheit is better bc I grew up w it, but the way the date is ordered I believe should never be DMY🤢

…and why?

Im sorry, but i better off base my measurement system by something constnat through out the universe (speed of light)

Then god damn body parts

Oh and uh…
The easiest to undersntad system that may be flawed for the universe but is good for everyday life

Univeral temperature scale based off absoulte freezing point

And some goofy ahhh measurement based on some mixture

fahrenheit is horrible
celsius is better

I think it should be ordered by most important to least important. “This event happened on the 12th”

12th of what? December? October? January? 1999?

And yes I know if I go by this logic than YMD makes more sense but no one wants year first

So if it’s MDY it’s more like “Obama will make love on 10/11/24” Oh okay, he’ll make love in October, the 11th of October, in this year

Also the idea that possibly many of the Discord message screenshots I’ve seen have been way earlier or more recent than I thought because of a different date system is annoying

Let me fix up the thread name real quick :speaking_head: :fire:

Just a tad bit off topic

If you think about it this is actually fitting for an empires discussion thread lmao

Most countries use a specific date order…US doesn’t…empires in AO…

Oh and guys…

AO uses metric system, so gg EZ

I use celsius and metres
but M/D/Y

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derailed anyone?

Well if you say, for example, the 15th of May 2024, then it’d make sense to order it in the same way, as DMY. And if you’re going from most to least important, may as well follow YMD

Yeah, I’d say everyone would face that problem regardless of which date system they follow.

and i talk like DMY because my english is the og english, american english is just a cheap knockoff

Yeah, maybe we should stop… probably

no way dude
theres british people on the forums…

This is important to the empires update trust

born and raised

thats crazy

i never thought i’d see a british person on the forums…

drip update patch notes (discussion thread)

I like Celsius over Fahrenheit for most things other than book titles, because Fahrenheit 451 is a hell of a lot cooler than Celsius 232.778

So if we were to have a mutation system ingame, I’d say we should have it so that you just imbue 1 magic onto another. Stuff that isn’t compatible will just be a weird combination, but the compatible stuff will turn into the lost/ancient magic (with requirements) and be fused into 1 slot for convenience. This means that we could be combine magics into each other like a true mage (would be funny if it applied to magic gels too).

Shouldn’t be too hard right, we have imbuements for spirit energy, weapons, styles, and other magics after all.