Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

no im just tryna help you undertstand your way around how the argumentative people here think but believe what you want :sob:

At this point can we just rename this topic “#general-and-patch-note-discussions”?

No he didn’t, vetex said Promethean flame was too strong, not Morock

cope and seethe, my arch-nemesis puppykeeper.

You will not be keeping puppies for long, not when my goons have seized control of the pet shelter :smirk_cat:

Tf you mean cope, I’m litterly right

vetex very clearly states that morock is connected to the promethean fire curse, and so the two were (probably) decanonised together.

Morock IS the Promethean Fire Curse, strongest will of all legacies…

Also Vetex completely debunks your past arguments stating Durza was stronger at AA than in the past, fraud: confirmed.

tldr: Morock solo’d the verse, and thus was decanonised so that he may ascend to solo other verses.

How does Deepwoken sound next? The FUCK are the Drowned Gods doing?

you still havent explained torren

Torren is probably where Morock will end up, which is a non-canon to AO character that has some references?

Torren is referenced in the Dark Sea Ghosts, despite being non canon, this is also why i added this


Idc not what we are talking about about

Maybe he just meant he was reconning Promethean flame, maybe Morock will come back as the mud curse user :man_shrugging:

Dont bother replying, quit derailing

Sounds like… cope!!!



The Mud Curse is second to the Promethean Fire Curse, so regardless he’d still solo without the Promethean Fire Curse.

i sort of meant about whichone was stronger, not how similar their situations are
if you are power scaling non canon characters, he becomes someone you should consider

Oh, Morock I’ve discussed this before.

But to not the derail the thread as per @Randomness ’ request, you can find this information on my most recent Morock Thread.

it has been more than 120 posts without a patch note and all we have gotten is skittlesnakes slop

I’m starting to crack

Can somebody link the balance trello here, im bored af and I want to read it on my school computer

morock will forever live on in my head
morock will solo getting retconned :alien::robot::robot::anger::anger:

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Nvm I found it
Also quit yapping about Morock, skittle litterly has 3 threads where you can yap about him

i think you mean skittlesnakes peak :speaking_head:

Well I’m right so :man_shrugging:

youve got a huge fucking ego to reply like that to me telling you you’re entitled to your own opinion :skull:

I cant wait for yalls wedding :revolving_hearts: