Enough about AO's rights, lets talk about AO's wrongs

Diving spots.

It’s straight up insane just how dark they get at night, and without any good decent light sources to boot. I once set the brightness on my computer so high that all the GUIs were leaving dark spots in my vision, and I still couldn’t see a thing.

In other dark areas, you’re supposed to use a torch. However, torches go out underwater, and the only decent alternatives (prometheus acrimony and small angler fish) have less range than the pick-up prompt in the first place.

You need every. Single. Chest, For it to count towards diving progress. I’m 80% there to bronze sea diver and I’ve seen more than a few diving spots that take the entire day trying to find the last two chests, and as I’ve stated earlier once the sun sets it’s hopeless.


i mean irl the night without artifical light sources is so dark that you cant even see your hand

-Bosses have very small screentime, only thing they’re memorable probably how smashable or hard they’re
-Boxing gloves is stupid like clown gloves

  1. What the fuck
  2. “they’re” is a contraction of “they are” yes, but it doesn’t work at the end of a sentence. “that’s how fast they are” is correct, “that’s how fast they’re” isn’t

“i mean irl” the moment you said IRL your right to have an opinion was revoked and will not be returned until further notice. For this grave sin against the GROC(gamers republic of critique), we’ll be blocking your internet for two weeks and you will be placed under government supervised house arrest. Resistance will be met with official arrest and you will be placed in an underground camp to become a more useful member to the GROC society.

Be seeing you,

Secretaries of GROC


Grinding for even one piece takes HOURS, possibly over 10 if it comes down to the pity system. And god forbid you get a piece you dont want and is undervalued (sunken iron atm), you aint gonna do anything with that because the economy is that ass

this entire system will only get worse over time, sunken champion will most likely be added at lvl 200 and we’ll have 2 sets of undervalued armor to get through, at this point even luck parties will begin to fall off

diving spots’ chests also give sunkens, but i’d rather jump off of the stepstones irl than grind those


I have been saying this for a while, sunkens shouldnt be locked behind this braindead “minigame” (especially when you cant even macro afk)

Sunkens are in this weird place of being rare for a good reason (two of the best armor sets in the game and two pretty good weapons), but also having a stupid obtaining method of standing in a spot and clicking sometimes.

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The limit for dodge reflexes.

…This is self-explanatory. Not only does it make fighting less fun, but when it comes to exploring, it’s just sad.

i hate AO topic number 5924 lETS GOOOOOOOO

most active mod (the post is a month old)

adds a reason to have night vision potion tbh

I have found that revealing potions can make diving spots bearable, but the more material dense ones tend to just run out the highlight limit with useless bloat like auric seaweed and amphibious bloom.

You could technically use higher tier revealing potions, but at that point I’d say it’s not really worth the cost since the main reason to do diving spots is drowned modifier which is just objectively worse than frozen or archaic (less EP)

relateable. When I got my first PA I used it as a torch cuz I only had 1 lol

whatever the fck is going on with weapon customization


this must be a test of faith, surely, our Lord couldnt possibly do us like this!

Don’t let the intrusive thoughts win. Glory to Vetex.

ashes of war are real, and there is nothing you can do about it

no no i love the idea

problem is it barely changes anything at all

when will gunslinger AI get nerfed bro

I’m so sick and tired of nigh unreactable bullet spam

If I’m playing a weapons build, I just equip a bow and spam its M1. Guns reload too slowly for meaningful damage against them.

If I’m not, fighting them is so damn slow. Screw up once and bam, 1/4th of my health is gone.