Enough about AO's rights, lets talk about AO's wrongs

With npc’s you have to make sure you’re not in a position where they can Trade blows with you even if they are at a net loss, since they don’t give a shit about taking damage and more likely have a lot more health than you

With players you can throw out a smash or crash or an explosion without having to really fear them m1’ing you to death

I… I dont see the reasoning of this! Luv you vetex but… why?

they were mid so they had to be gutted

Is that even a real patch note…

You’re new so your response is expected. When this came through people were fucking fuming, and that was even during the .36-37 ship docking bug. So pretty much most weren’t able to abuse it in the first place :fr:

I see… But my meechant sells me uncommon items…

It says they don’t sell items over uncommon. That includes both common and uncommon

Ohhhh oki, im safe!

when berserker you can just punch iris and you’ll be fine

I disagree, being good at PVP can help you with parrying close calls or dealing with annoying gun NPCs. This games PVP in a nutshell is punishing endlag and eventually being good enough to land shots on enemies with no endlag… which can also be considered the games PVE. The examples you gave are true though, spamming T jump doesn’t really work out when you’re fighting an NPC that never misses a predict shot, but you CAN spam dodge reflex(most normal players would probably do that, I doubt it’s PVP player exclusive)

also, I can speak with experience that after spending most of my time PVPing in AO I’ve never lost to any of the bosses more than twice when making a new file.

-this isn’t to say PVEers wouldnt be better at PVE things that PVPers, though. I’m just saying in terms of combat PVE, a PVPer can be just as good as PVEer(except for ship combat which is HORRIBLE!!!)

Ship combat is so fun, you are just bad (I can understand why though, most people hate it)

Even if this quartermaster wasn’t female there would still be a cult of this character.

Edward Kenton is literally the most popular character here (or used to be, idk about now). You probably aren’t wrong.

people will still probably make questionable religion clans out of this new boss
just like a bunch of other characters

You have to manually de-equip gear in order to modify and take off gems.

Also there’s no filter in the inventory despite it being cluttered with items. Like holy ---- I have to comb through so much just to find out I only have 4 bones.

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you can type the name of the reagent when you have the backpack open to search for it

that unfortunately doesn’t work for equipables in your inventory though, just your backpack

why are yall whispering

How does one whisper?

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