Enough about AO's rights, lets talk about AO's wrongs

no ship respawning, not being able to hide chat and player list, way too low of a pvp level, THE PERFORMANCE.

and probably alot more things that i don’t remember


the problem ain’t really having to grind that, atleast for me, cuz i don’t care too much about it. the problem is that you kinda get forced into making your build alot better than it has to be because you get forced into pvp HARD

we all do. but when you finish the story and have already grinded a good bit only the bad things stay really. the more annoying things become more and more apperant.

that’s just how it is

they’re getting added in the future

T H E L A G literally makes no sense if i get a “bad” server i lag like hell and barely get over 30 fps but then i switch server and what is this??? i’m somehow getting 100 fps in ravenna??? apparently it’s not my computer but ao’s god awful servers (why are the servers so shit??)

that’s 100% just the server age.

normally wouldn’t matter THAT much in other games but AO just got the worst memory leaks

Hover spells are coming back!? YAYYYYY!!!

with what i’ve seen and heard on the forums, i have concluded that there’s no community that hates AO more than the AO community itself

I’ve learned that there’s no good reason for servers to exist longer than 8 hours. If we shut them down sooner we’d have fewer issues overall.


+You forgot to mention their cooldowns. Sometimes they use two abilities at once. For example - Calvus.

At least that is something that has improved in AO, it’s mostly just 3rd phase Argos that does that. It used to happen very frequently in WoM. I remember fighting a villain npc who was firing a barrage of blasts constantly throughout the entire fight while occasionally firing beams. It was the sort of thing you would see as an easy bullet hell boss.

Also the level 300 atlantean with a bow doing 200+ damage every 3 seconds

level locks

yup, they should just only be recommendations smth like:

“hey! the next story part will be higher level, use the time to explore and do some other stuff and level up!”

stuff like that

PvP I don’t like the PvP system of the game it feels very weird.

Poor game optimisation it has a shit tonne of memory leaks

A potential thing could be power creep in the nimbus sea they might make bosses super strong to counteract dark sea gear (even tho I feel like you should be rewarded with an easier experience for doing dark sea)

the game is really easy so people would just speedrun the whole history and finish it at like, level 60

who cares

i hate how elysium is gatekept away unless someone opens it
id love a stress free deatchmatch map to improve my pvp skills

money loss from dying is incredibly annoying


yeah i’m actually flabbergasted that vetex just genuinly doesn’t let us to open one lol

but iirc it was just vetex not knowing to make private servers lol

Not sure. If there were no level locks, then imagine some noob activating Ravenna’s story part at low lvl. You litteraly cannot stop it after starting, which means that you have to beat Calvus at 90-80 lvl and you cannot visit blacksmith to forge your armor and etc…