Enough about AO's rights, lets talk about AO's wrongs

we need a hard path which can be unlocked in each sea by doing a certain quest differently
like in the bronze sea, you enter fort talos through the main entrance, once you reach the bottom, argos is prepared and is already in his final phase and has higher damage

carina would instantly recognise you as the person who is responsible for destroying fort talos and uses triple variant of her teleport ability along with a stronger version of the blade attack

calvus just starts his bossfight in his second phase, and gets a new second phase where he gets an attack which is basically the aethereal ornament laser imbued with his grand daddy’s curse which follows the player around on a slight delay
also the pillar deals 25% more damage

vetex, please give us an unlockable hard path, it’d be so much fun for people who want a challenge


one must imagine savants strong
like jesus calvus was like level 350+

Yes, please, so Minmaxers can atleast have a challenge and not speedrun Nimbus Sea bosses.

some way to make bosses harder would make minmaxxers complain less tbf which would be nice

harder bosses for a higher drop chance of items would be nice

When did we learn that??? Is this something from patreon chat

yea hopefully it’s added back someday. Had to be removed cus it was crashing us every 5 minutes in the TU for some reason

i think pathfindingservice takes like the entire map into account when making its paths so if there’s a lot of parts and complex geometry it will implode


Easiest Vimir sea’s boss = Strongest Bronze sea’s boss.

yeah something like that

intensity minmaxers, drawback minmaxers, insanity minmaxers:

I love taking alpha white eyes to near redwake so anyone on a new file trying to sail between dawn redwake and frostmill can suffer

It’s a quartermaster with flintlocks, it’s going to be absolutely miserable

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leaderboard is buns and ngl i think the bounty hunting system needs a rework it’s just unfun

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oh now that’s SAD.
What the fuck?

What happened to it???

nah the ai is pretty good actually id say its pretty difficult to make a npc AI like that. I mean look at blox fruits AI Arcane AI is probably the best on roblox as far as i know.

When fighting them they would legit dodge my attacks
and Dame Cassenia’s musket m1s are spot on :skull:

I still have my doubts, considering how the actual bronze sea difficulty curve looks more like this

Nah man Elius took me the most tries to beat because of my elderly MacBook and terrible internet. Even when everything was running at their best, the breakable terrain screwed me over more times than I can count (not to mention him teleporting and healing all the time). And Argos was just as easy as Carina.

yeah alot of Elius’ difficulty comes from how laggy his fight can be tbh

bunch of particles from his aura + constant raining ( which also makes it hard as hell to spot where he is in phase 1 )

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