Enough about AO's rights, lets talk about AO's wrongs

I feel like Shura is only harder than Iris if you are berserker. If you have projectiles his main source of damage comes from you accidentally stepping on his campfire.

you can, just climb the wall, avoid the town and go any non-ravenna town

also the npcs are dumb af, they just walk to you

the only difficulty is the artificial one due to their bloated stats, their aimbot, movestacking, and constant blocking and parrying

If you want to make fair npcs, look at deepwoken, the Lowly Bandits has stats like 3 times lower than a Power 1 player, any experienced player will delete it but a new guy will get destroyed

I wish we could choose dominant hands on weapon builds, like how magic builds can choose casting animations. What if I want to through my spear from the right hand and not the left? I feel like it screws up my aim.

who tf thinks shura is harder than iris?

shura you can basically just run at him and spam m1 (i did)

with iris you would actually just get your ass kicked in

mightā€™ve just been my experience but thatā€™s just weird

i think iris does near the same amount of dmg shura does, she just attacks more often, the fight is still really easy with m1

  • Eliusā€™s boss fight is torture
  • The community is way too split between casuals and pvpheads/clanheads
  • way too much grinding, especially for exotic enchantments
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Shura was probably just as easy, if not easier, than iris

Everytime i tried to climb the wall during my first time, both of the centurions would somehow aggro against me.

Eliusā€™s bossfight is easy the 2nd time and afterwards

well yeah but you should be easy to climb up before they kill you

Shura killed me likeā€¦ 7 times on my first playthrough, then iris got me to likeā€¦ 10% HP

I actually never tried climbing to the top :sweat_smile:

You shouldā€™ve used a flintlock

I couldve! But i didnt!

shura was mega easy and just braindead, iris i would actually have to think and react, and probably take a second try

I know this happend for others, but when i first got to eliusā€¦ I diedā€¦ The second time he flung out of the sky into the dark and diedā€¦ Ive been a fraud, if it werent for that, id still be on elius.

i did just run to him as fast as possible so he didnā€™t regen health lol

He is kinda hard for that level, but only a little practice is needed. I could beat him at lvl 55 on my second try in my 3rd file.

I was born with a disorder known as a skill issue, so im glad eliua glitchedā€¦ I had to cheese argos tooā€¦