Enough about AO's rights, lets talk about AO's wrongs

Cheesing Argos is perfectly fine
he doesn’t have the brain power to open a door, so it’s his fault that he’s so easily cheesable.

Me too :disappointed_relieved:

Also argos is really easy to kill with a bow… all you have to do is dodge and use the bow m1s… same for elius and calvus actually

A fair fight for the Atlantean or a fair fight for the player

This topic.


A fair fight for the player. I mean sure, if you’re decently skilled, you probably will win. However, the Atlantean has absurdly good aim, high damage, auto-block, and will stunlock you in M1s if it gets close.

On god

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No matter where I go I can’t escape limbus company

This fandom’s gonna found yet another religion…:disappointed:

The Church of [Quartermaster name]

It’s not really AO wrong, but more of the community and the game development.

Vetex try to be high and ambitious, but thinks he knows everything about it and gaslights himself and the community that it’s a good thing, and when he messed up, it never existed.

Dont give them ideas! Youre crazzzzy!

It’s nothing they won’t come up with on their own.

They are but shadows of their former selves

can’t think of an example for that atm. you got one?

Church of Iris vs Cult of [Female Pirate name idk]

Vetex like to change the lore a lot, so much that it creates misunderstanding and the community fight each others as they read slightly altered text.

Even as a skilled Pvper myself I tend to struggle with lvl 100+ Atlanteans

After 150 I think I just can’t win

Where did you get that its a woman?


Funny thing is, PVP and PVE are actually two different skillsets. Being good at one helps, but it doesn’t make you proficient at the other.

For example, hyper-unpredictable movement is useful in PVP, but not much in PVE. Same thing with high-jumping and getting into the air—NPCs have perfect aim, so being airborne doesn’t actually protect you all that much.