Epic forum quotables

It all depends on how one wants/says the date.

The one that makes the most sense out of the 3 ways that u can arrange them, is yyyy/mm/dd technically in terms of dates and the likes. (Ur pc does this automatically btw cause it’s just wayy easier.)

But i’d argue mm/dd/yyyy is better speaking and writing wise:

Why say, “12th of April” (dd/mm/yyyy) when u can simply say “April 12th” (mm/dd/yyyy)
I already know what year we’re in at any given time, and i already know what month we in at any given time.

The day we’re in is the one we normally forget, much like how - though at a lesser extent usually - we’ll sometimes forget whether it’s a Wednesday, Friday, Saterday, etc.


There probably isn’t much point arguing about this though, since unless the day is the 12th or less, people understand exactly what you mean either way. Even if it is lower than that, you would probably remember what month it is most of the time.

Yea ik, im just taking a jab at the prospect of an “argument” occurring from this.

The guy who tried to blame selectirch?

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im an american myself and i find it mad annoying when europeans complain about it but if you’re an american complaining about the european system id just shut the fuck up

god bless america :us: :us: :us: :eagle: :eagle: :eagle: :gun: :fire: :fire: :fire:

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Most of the time there isn’t much of a difference between the american and european ways of spelling things so there is no point in people complaining anyway.
The only one that is actually wrong is lazer, most other things don’t have significant enough changes to argue over.

wait why am i laughing i made the original post and this dude commented on it

you cannot escape me

Oh no


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myself out of context goes funny

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Correct, we’re beyond the mortal chains of flesh that withhold our full potential

Death is merely an inconvenience.

As soon as I saw the message I knew that you would respond with something like this.
Never try to insult someone wildly different from you by saying they aren’t human, especially if it is for a reason they have to believe that they are better than you.


what can i say bro i love meth /j

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Put your magic away waluh