Epic forum quotables

Yeah the existence of epic forum quotables is to

think about what they are going to post and to consider what people could

stocksounds cursed finger

Domain expansion: self embodiment of ass opinions


I’d post an image of what comes up if I search that but I don’t want that on my search history

true! thats why the owner made the boob rig

I’d say this is quotable

ackshually the owner didnt make it, astralworks did and the owner is adding it

dark gyat

when the light is running low, and the shadows start to grow, and the places that you know, seem like fantasy

there’s a light inside your SOUL, that’s still shining in the cold, with the truth, the promise in our hearts

don’t forget, I’m with you in the dark :musical_note:

Mmmmmm lack of context

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Susie can we rude buster this guy please

Kris, where the fuck are we? On some Internet forum?

Context moment xd

shut up evelyn

My honest and genuine reaction

Your bait sucks and your boat is ugly


Another fandomoid L…
