Explain your oc a little bit

I’ve been necrobumping a lot of topics lately so instead of bumping another i thought id make a new one but add a little to it.

you can tell me your oc’s name i suppose but also lmk if any details are tied to it as well. i’ll put mine in a little while

  1. Cameron Calvin: combination of my first name (Cameron) and the last name of Charles Calvin from the henry stickmin collection. my main wom character and his siblings are part of the Calvin family. They too are mostly hero’s like Charles Calvin, but not associated with the government.

  2. Calvin (last name or title undetermined)
    basically i just like the name Calvin but he mostly goes by Camreeyan outside of ao

  3. Silver family: at first it was just because i liked the name “Basil Silver” in wom, but i made it because the first of the family (John Silver" stole the Silver curse and created a kingdom with it

Cat Petter
he pets cats


I approve of Cat Petter.

Cat petter power level is infinite btw
Petted a cat

Imma give one that Imma do for an alt:

Neo Kasamoto
Cocky warrior build who likes sniping people with muskets, but also has a rapier for close ranged combat. I imagine he’d have a purple samurai outfit.

Now then. time to pick an OC.
hmmmm lets see. Maybe this one, Oooo this one is nice, ah but I really like this one.
Give me one second I have a couple To pick from…
10 minutes of contemplation later
Ya know what. I pick these ones.


My favorite OC to throw into any situation. He is a soulbound (not gonna explain) to The Spectator. The two have been friends for a while and worked with the Conqueror as second hands until they realized what they were doing was wrong and left. (I’ll explain more in The Spectator). Raven has been hanging out in the Golden Kingdom for a while even if I throw him into other stories. He is silent when he wishes to be and very good at teasing out the information he wants. His charisma and fighting prowess are through the roofs.
He uses two magical longswords which are pure opposites, Sundrop and World Cleaver are their names. (If you want I can continue but moving on)


Hawk is a species of Were-Cat. Created by a wizard as an experiment. Now racially discriminated against and hunted for sport as nothing but a smarter animal. She spent the first years of he life hiding in the north until her family was killed. Her survival still baffles her but she managed. She works as an assassin for higher in a Northern city. Hawk has never met another Were-cat besides her dead family and is just trying to get by thinking she might be the last one.


Emily is a water mage with a curse she has no idea about. She spent her life in a small farming civilization with her family. Until she met a little friend by name of Iggie


Xavier is one of my Arcane OCs. He works for the magic council as a captain using magma magic. Very just disposition and loves to help others out. He has a wife named Abby (side-character). He visits his family time to time on vacation.


Another Arcane OC. I got the idea from one OC I’m currently designing who will be Raven’s rival. Floyd uses ash magic and is corrupt for power. He wants to take over the magic council and squash any and all non-magic users who oppose him.

The Spectator

Ah. My most notorious OC never sticking to one form until now (hopefully). The spectator was the first Fathomless (race of dragons you could say but different in many ways) born onto Raven’s home planet (name unknown still). The Spectator soul bonded Raven and eventually they both became friends while running from the Conquerer. The Spectator has a love interest in the hoarfrost but his current goal is saving her life from the injury inflicted upon her. He lives at the Island Castle which he rose from the sea.

The Butterfly

Another fathomless. More unknown and very sneaky, the conqueror thinks he is dead but in fact he is hiding with his soulbound Rebecca (side-character). Raven met Rebecca one-day and the two became friends. The spectator and the butterfly now now each other are alive but have avoided each other as much as possible. Not very hard when the Spectator is locked up on an island far from civilization.

The Hoarfrost

A female fathomless. She worked with a resistance group against the Conqueror during the war. She persuaded the Spectator he was on the wrong side and they teamed up. The conqueror defeated the hoarfrost in a fatal attack that should’ve killed her if i wasn’t for the Spectator’s fast thinking. He than ran away and thus is now thought dead after an incident with a sea monster dubbed Leviathan (giant eel guy)


Hawk’s main enemy I’ll say. He is very stuck up and self centered hunting for honor and fame. He also really likes money.


This character I created for a one-shot but decided to include. Samantha is a singer and musician. May people dn’t know this but she is also a furry and keeps a purple-unicat fursuit in her closet. One day she was wearing the suit around town when she clipped into the past and was thus in medieval times.

The Conqueror

Ah my great villain. He doesn’t believe so though. The conqueror is a ten-horned fathomless. one of the most powerful. He has gone through many soul-bounds who have died mysteriously. His goal is to rule the planet and build a portal to return to the Fathomless home world. He has had many followers and many enemies most have been crushed by his power.


Iggie is Emily’s friend. The two met one day in her hometown. Iggie has memories from a past life which he retained for being an Amphithere I guess. He loves to play games and also talk with the animals. Dragons especially are friendly to him.

I’m not doing descriptions. If you want me to that’s another thing.



Out of all my files the only name I’ve settled on is Jackie Jackson for my future Conjuror. I might go with Abraham Lincoln for my gun-only character but for now most of them aren’t really confirmed. Only went with Jackie Jackson since I like the way it sounds.

seeing as people are actually putting a bit of effort, I’m deciding “fuck it” and showing my main OC

Ian Booth

Ian Booth
Probably edgier than @anon82052662 (You cannot outedge me), weilding Lunar magic, Shadow magic, and Glass magic, and although I can’t get it in game he also has Death Magic. In my head he wields a sword called “Voidcast” that uses his shadow and death magic in way more ways, he also uses a bracelet that lets him create weapons made entirely of his lunar magic (In game i’d just have a sword, musket, and probably a spear).

Edgy backstory lmao

Not much to say. His parents died, he almost died, he now holds the powers of a spirit, basic edgy stuff. He’s part of a group made up of his friends (other files) and usually explores areas first to make sure it’s safe for his friends to stay in. He’s pretty capable of killing almost everyone in is path and is probably about as powerful as PK was when PK fought Durza, most of his powers being from the spirit in his body which allows him to heal a lot faster (even healing limbs back) and hit way harder. The only thing that’s holding him back is that if he is hit too many times the healing from the spirit will stop entirely.


Blue hair, sapphire blue eyes, wears a navy merchant coat for vanity (and i’ll probably get more blue colored clothes for vanity that isnt just merchant coat). Bandages on the left side of his face that also covers his eye and bandages on his right arm. He wears a blue hood and a long blue scarf.


If it isn’t obvious already he’s a conjurer. He also has nothing to synergize with for his magics cuz I want to deal damage without using synergies lmao

nobody can be as edgy as me

not sure how to explain them, these quotes can help:


“I’m banned globally from shopping at a costco for several years as well as currently under probation by the intergalactic defense agency for causing an interdimensional anomaly by fusing banana slices with pizza from the sample section.”



“does this make my tail look fat?”


“The one and only.”

(tbh I don’t really have lore besides basic appearances lol)

My edgiest file will use Light, Shadow, Lightning, Darkness and Equinox, beat that.

shadow, poison, explosion, darkness and sacrifice. beat that

Poison and Explosion aren’t edgy, they’re cringe

i feel like equinox is more edgy than poison but idk



im stupid and forgot lost magic limits


Ace Grey

Ace Grey is essentially a peacekeeper mage which is kind and intelligent. His main gimmick is his magic, polychromatism, which is essentially a magic that mimics every other magic. This magic uses arcane (a neutral magic) as a base so that its magic circles can switch between magics quickly without recasting. Similar to his multi-purpose magic, he also has an arcanium weapon named “Chromatic Convergence” which is essentially the swiss army knife of weapons, but is usually seen as either a sword, a bow or a staff. Ace’s soul is actually a fusion of his and Eso’s.


The other part of Ace’s soul, coming from another world. Eso is a powerful western-looking dragon of magic. Unlike Ace, he likes to attack quickly and physically without using a weapon, but he still uses magic as commonly as Ace. His magic is also the opposite of Ace’s: a magic stripped of all its elemental alignments, the awakened version of arcane magic. They both talk to each other telepathically and can transform their body into their human, hybrid (Zen and ??? call this furry form) and dragon forms similarly to a zoan devil fruit (very coincidental lol). Ace Grey and Eso are quite the opposites in their battle styles and powers.

Fredrick "Frost" Hallows

He is a high-caliber ice-wind mage who came from a family of powerful ice-water mages. His second magic of wind makes him slightly despised by his family. He uses an ancient ice staff he inherited from his family and has a more defense-orientated style of fighting. Friends with Ace Grey, Agate, ??? and (somewhat) Zen.

Zenith "Zen" Shadowkeeper

He is a power magic swordsman given the power of randomised foresight, meaning that he randomly gets glimpses of the future as warnings. Because of his strong sense of justice, he tries to avoid the worst possible futures, even if they lead him down a dark path. This led him to clash with and eventually befriend Ace. He is an equinox-magic user, originally using light magic but learnt shadow magic to hide himself. Despite this, he mainly uses magic to enhance his arcanium broadsword attacks rather than cast spells normally. He is quite friendly to ??? and somewhat Frost.

Agate, The Crimson Witch

A feared archmage believed to be one of the most powerful mages from the world these six mages come from. She is old, calm, brutal and always seen wearing a classic witch’s hat. Her magic is a crimson-red fire that burns like hell, and she has learnt a special spell that allow her cast “magic-circleless” spells. Her main weapon is an ancient fire staff that is almost as old as she is, and she attacks with excessive force. She is fine being friends with Frost, Zen, Ace, Eso and ???.


A close friend of Ace. He was brought into the hidden world of magic because of he unluckily discovered an ancient crystal katana that had somehow gained something of a mind. Much later, he unlocked his own magic, which he uses to support (buffs and that stuff) and heal his friends while fighting. He has a name, but it’s a friend’s.

That was fun, I had fleshed out most of them a while ago but didn’t write some of their details down until now. I had planned for them to be in a story a while ago, but haven’t written down much about it. The main character is Ace, though.