Fishing Overhaul

Fishing Overhaul
effort 4.642857142857143 14 quality 4.733333333333333 15 reasonability 4.2 15

Ehhhh, I can’t really speak much on that side considering any feature can be changed if the people behind it changes their mind about said feature. Just like how according to Vetex, we’re getting some sort of progression for shovels and fishing rods in the future.

Though then again, this suggestion is under the rejected suggestions list anyways since it’s about changing the fishing mechanic itself. At the very least op tried to get it out there I guess.

Fun fact: it was made before AFR for an older project of the same user

I’m honestly surprised other people here know what AFR is lol.

Honestly I could see it working like this:
Each quest you get that unlocks a new fishing technique lets you use it by holding H and hovering over your choice with your mouse similar to imbuements.

no its not what are you talking about.

Wouldn’t surprise me if it ends up there, though, there’s a few things in there that are just vetex sticking to extremely bad ideas and not wanting to hear anything against it.
(no terrain destruction in boss arenas/player arenas suggestions)

If getting luck potion reagents is going to be tied to fishing then fishing should be fun and interactive.
If fishing isn’t fun and interactive, all rewards (leg scales, sunkens) should be moved to other reliable sources that are fun.

Regardless, luck potions are getting absolutely gutted anyways.

Could we also have reserved seats on boats you can use while fishing? Not only am I sick of my friends flying off the boat in the dark sea because they were fishing to pass the time, some of the harder minigames would make it a lot harder to pay attention to your position on the ship. (Especially if that AA clashing one locks your movement keys)

That would definitely make sense.
I’d rather see wave sweeping itself be heavily nerfed instead, though.
The way it works right now is absolutely baffling.
No cooldowns, no limit, about every wave can do it, no escape, inconsistent hitboxes, etc.

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yes please, fishing currently sucks so much ass

Ah my bad, I don’t literally mean the suggestion list but more so like Vetex’s personal list. If it helps explaining what I mean, here’s an example:

Although this one’s a few years ago, his mindset on it is still the same from the looks of it in discord. Another one where he says it’s stupid too :sob: :

Like I said before, I think it lies in a misunderstanding that leads him to believe that people like fishing the way it is.

Sadly, it is what it is. I guess we won’t be getting any improvements in fishing anytime soon :pensive: .

That was two years ago.
Not only has vetex had plenty of time to think it over and reconsider, but we’re right here right now able to correct that misunderstanding if it persists.

Oh nah he still does, there’s one that’s publicly available in discord that’s a few days close to the release of arcane odyssey and two more in the patreon chat around January of this year. He really doesn’t like the idea of minigames in fishing even after 4 years so chances of him changing his mind about it is low.

The best we got is the fishing rod and shovel progression, how it works is unknown but I’m assuming it’s more on improving the stats and getting some small effects that buffs the chances on getting certain things I guess.

Unfortunately it currently fails at this, because some of the best gear in the game is locked behind an extraordinarily rare fishing drop. Endgame players looking to get maxed out have to either resign themselves to several hours of literally nothing except occasionally clicking on the screen, or attempt to fish in whatever way gets them a luck V pot as fast as possible. (which probably won’t help that much following the luck nerf)

I also get that Vetex wants it to be relaxing, but with how long fishing actually takes it completely misses the mark and turns into a chore. You get maybe 1 useless fish every 20 seconds with a decent rod, maybe if you’re lucky a wet clown nose. It’s relaxing in the same way sitting at the DMV and waiting to be called on is relaxing, because all you’re doing is sitting there waiting for something to happen.


Right on the mark.
If he truly wishes for it to be a relaxing experience he’ll add something to it to keep players engaged enough to BE relaxed.

Boredom =/= relaxation

This is honestly a very good suggestion!
Having it be optional is honestly a huge voting factor for me for this- so people that can not do the other minigames well can just stay with the original stuff and still get something.

I do have to ask how different fishing rods would interact with the minigames and the likes?
Maybe a strength one would increase the bar or timelimit for button mashing/clicking specific areas?

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I feel like a strength rod would give you more room for error.
a luck rod would increase luck (obviously lol).
a swift rod would make the minigames complete faster and let you get catches faster.

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That is honestly very thought out, i love this : D

A neat idea. Fishing definitely needs some sort of rework eventually as it has gotten stale (or has been stale since WoM :sob:).

The only issue I see with this is probably the minigames as some of the ones you suggested look like they would take up the whole screen. It’d be better if fishing stayed where you can see yourself fishing imo, I just don’t like GUI heavy features. It’s pretty reasonable to ask but vetex probably doesn’t see this as necessary for now, perhaps after full release. :nod:

relatable :pensive: