Flare Lobotomy Corporation - The End (With Forumers)

lucky what the fuck

Alright, sacrifice him to [CENSORED]

so this is the one sin…

Hooh boy, 3 whole suppressions to go through

Debating if I should return day 1

1-10, How fucked is your current layout?

didn’t record but yeepee!



Yeah go back to day 1

maybe i should remove 2x abno idk

if you wanna know why its ten heres why

  • I only have 2-3 nuggets in each department
  • uh all alephs exception of whitenight and nothing there
  • and more abnos which don’t mix well

always remember that if shit hits the fan, you can always download cheats

Unless you have 5 decently trained nuggets per area, I wouldn’t recommend keeping 2x abno

Playing this was like a test for how smart my brain is in order to gain energy and protect nuggets

my facility died 5 times in 20 minutes in a row

I still question how I even defeated the apocalypse

Anyways if I go back to day 1 theres a good chance I will be able to fit in more forumers since this progression had no good advantages and was always on certain time crunches

  • Votings
  • Absolute Scarifice
  • Absolute Customization
0 voters

you don’t get to know what any of this is


black shields tend to be very useful. Most things that apply red or white damage aren’t too threatening, but black damage almost always has a strong abno behind it

good chance I’m gonna day 1

i dont remember raising a quitter Flayire

I will sacrifice you to nameless fetus

if it make you less of a wimp, i am willing

don worry…
I’ll make it up when I go to day 1

and I know exactly what to do

(Also I don’t know if true ending gonna be possible since I put myself into a stuck position do finish off Hokma and Binah suppressions)