Forum Curses: The Second Act

is there any plans for me other than a game of exploding kittens

I uhh
get the bad guy to bully you

Just wait untill Levi replies

Is something other than fighting on the table?

Puzzle solving
Working out who murdered all the goldfish

Hiding from Jane so as to not die because of the ink spill

have you tried asking sage to imagine the stain away

Pretty sure Sage is busy right now with Levi

Wasn’t me

Is “wasn’t me” Apolo’s catchphrase
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  • No
0 voters

So who won in the end?

yea but just because something isn’t far fetched doesn’t mean it’s still preposterous in other ways

this is like saying that someone who controls water can also create explosions by making the water molecules break apart or something

it’s just kind of, out there.

especially for a curse, which I don’t think could ever become that complex in the first place since it’s just magic energy, then again, I actually don’t have a whole lot of issues here

it’s just that imagination really feels like walmart omnipotence

@Mint_Harbinger also has a lot of pretty good points about the issues with the imagination curse if you wanna go read what his were

Now I’m not doing this to be petty or anything, I think the idea of an imagination based power is pretty cool, but I think the way it’s been executed makes it a bit… I dunno, too versatile I guess? every curse so far has a realistic weakness and yours is the only one that basically has an answer to every problem under the sun, and this is coming from a guy with the neutron star curse (even though you could argue my weakness is being sorta slow, with the whole “heavier sun magic” gimmick)


It was only a matter of time until controversy would arise regarding how far someone stretches the capabilities of their curse

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I mean I can make explosive water but thats a diffrent story

i agree with dubious on this one tbh, imagination seems kind of fucking bullshit??? Like sure, you can creative with imagination but at this point it feels like you’re just saying “I imagine that I have won, therefore I have won.”

next time, the curses we get should be completely randomized


That would actually be interesting

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yeah you saying it isn’t an epithet then using an epithet as an example doesn’t help your case

use random word generator, that word is your powers. Bullshit as hard as you want.

ah yes, I would certainly like to understand what the fuck the “muggy” curse would do