Forum Curses: The Second Act

Can I join you lot

You and Dubious I mean

The more the merrier! (Dubious thinks we can’t take on a horse)

So what’s happening at field

Y’know, we have a lot of gravity-related curses, and a combo for magnetism. Could we make a makeshift magic railgun on the fly?

As someone who has watched all of Murder Drones twice, that will help a lot

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At this point I might actually start to kill people

Well we’re currently just waiting for the horse with (presumably) a maze made out of nuclear spaghetti and some soapy water

Wanna play chess while we wait?

Apolo runs to the field in the span of 20 seconds, bringing a chess set.

I don’t really enjoy board games, you could see if Ladnas is interested though

Ladnas wanna play chess?

P. S. (Out of character) Yay Apolo is making more friends

Ok gtg cya all tomorrow, hope stuff goes right

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what’s the current status on the horse chase?

it has almost crossed into another district. I am currently sipping tea in the school library having done my part

We’re all just currently waiting for the horse to arrive. (Me, dubious, sanek, and syk)

wait why are we chasing the horse

it broke through a random wall and we had the goal of finding some horse during the rehearsal

also, it’s moving at 250 kph

could i make a bunch of clones of myself to assist in stopping the horse then