Forum Curses: The Second Act

Luckily the only other person that is there Duved so at most you’ll just be causing a large amount of property damage

Morning all

Hi sanek nobody knows got the Acumen so uh

guys sanek got acumen btw

Once again you got my location wrong but I was sleeping so I couldn’t react in time

Ladnas was the first who arrived at the field, then I arrived after trying to chase the horse and taking some bruises after a failed attempt to trap it

The rest arrived later

Look man, this shit is hard to keep track of

It’s fine dw

How??? :open_mouth:

Entr’acte stuff and then it got up and ran away. Whilst running away or found sanek. He’s got the strange flesh axe now.

I just realised no students have died yet (except Gabriel who kinda died and then came back to life full Tigerstar II style)

The hell happened to Gabriel

character death stinky

Before my luck boosts Gabriel allowing him to somehow survive another 2 shotgun pumps to the chest, I have the armoured vehicle I’m on rejoin the convoy.

Can Gabriel survive a hailstorm of bullets? Found out next time on Forum Curses: The Second Act Scene 5!

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Idk but a bit back you have him the dead role and then took it off

Why is your luck boosting Gabriel? Are you back on our side, or is Gabriel now on your side?

I double pumped him in the chest but presumably he survived that as he promised to tell me something

He annoyed me so I stopped his heart :pensive:

I can relate to that

Honestly I don’t think Gabriel is on either side

Damn he’s durable uh okay go shoot the rest of them enemy grunt
