Forum Curses: The Second Act

Imagine the headline. “Horse murders ten people. Blame placed on students.”

Did they find out about my catapult yet?

Who found out

yea okay nvm this horse has to go

but it seems impossible to catch at this rate since nothing is working in our favor

-we can’t trap it, it’s too random

-we can’t fight it, it’s too fast

-we can’t even wear it down, it regens too much

there is nothing I can think of :sleeper:

though sanek did obtain the acumen, so maybe there could be some hope…

that makes me wonder

where is avolition?

Sandal I am going to atomize you

That wasn’t very smugtacular broski


Where is the avolition, eclipse.

@Dreamkeeper do you know what an Avolition is Typ keeps spouting nonsense about it

Avolition is the counterpart weapon to Acumen

it was @level’s weapon and it’s a giant Trident made from willpower energy that’s been reinforced with flesh (the opposite of the flesh axe imbued with willpower, acumen)

Epic image of Hecto using the avolition

credits to @bio

Typ i was about as subtle as a wooden spoon there

How the hell didn’t you work out what I meant

Thats the point, who did?

I don’t get it


Not the staff at the academy. They’re still oblivious. Including to Max and Jroch currently fighting in school.

So uh if Ray has Acumen…

Is that a… Challenge?

Also you realize that since you’re using a experimental curse, your body is literally just one of a regular human

Dreamkeeper has avolition?
