Forum Curses: The Second Act

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

whatever it is he has on him


To clarify, this is a completely open field with no walls in sight and anyone can just waltz up to right?

No there are walls, it’s like a roman structure that they’re defiling

damn I was going to drive up and kidnap Theodore but I guess that plan is out of the window

Okay as this will defeat him i need to write something for it. Please stand by.

can i activate the cobalt of the page to heal us all?

The rock pierced through Theodore’s spear, sending it shattering across the domain. A shard hit Theodore in his chest, just below the heart. He stumbled back.

“… Ever since I saw the axe and its brother back in the hands of some… self righteous heroes. I knew that my plan was a risk. I knew that I should have just given up now and done as I had promised I would. No, not when I know it’s all a game. I tried, I failed. I tried, I failed. I tried, I failed, and here I am. Each time I said that I would give up, but no. I leeched off the Cultists to bring myself back to power, hoping that at least this time my plan would work. But no. She just had to ruin it. Ruin it all. She was wrong though, realised that I was the puppeteer? No, I’m barely the puppet. We’re all controlled by another, controlled by another, controlled by another, controlled by another. We’re barely specks. Barely anything, all just part of an act we have to play. Why, though? Why should I give up when I have the potential of a god? Even before, with just my knowledge of Curses, even before when the Titan of Flames still lived. I was stronger than them, I was stronger than him. He could form Curses, but none like mine. My Curses are stronger, more powerful. I spent eternities pondering over the intricacies. I am the True Cursesmith. The True God. The Glitch Curse is nothing compared to this power, and if all of you refuse to be swatted like the flies you are, then I’ll have to just take your Curses back, kill you all, and try again with another group of guinea pigs. Finally then, I’ll be able to build the army I need to march upon The Heartless, and then I’ll be the only one left… and the horse… gotta kill the horse.”

TAITC stood up once again, outstretching his arm and summoning a blade of a black metal which cracked in the air. He impaled it into the ground, destroying the domain in an instant.

“Get lamposted.”

– Final Bossfight –

Tavish. Tammy. Troy. Theodore.

The True Cursesmith.

Fun Fact: Everything ends here…
You know the rules.
Health: 150,000
The Cursesmith: Abilities

  • Primary Power: Cursesmithing.
    TAITC has control over Curses, they can manipulate them, use them as weapons, grant them and retract them.
  • Secondary Power: The Glitch Curse [40%]
    TAITC’s most dangerous power. A powerful Curse which allows TAITC to defy the rules of this world. Teleport, Glitch in and out, launch powerful blasts and beams, warp reality and alter the attributes of opponents . All attacks are extremely corrosive. Killing people and absorbing the Binary Sludge from them will increase their power. At 70% power, TAITC can travel between universes. At 80% universes can be created. At 90% life can be taken out with a snap of fingers, and at 100%, well. At 100% everything ends here.
  • Tertiary Power: The Salt Curse
    Wouldn’t underestimate it.
  • The Binary Sword, From Madness Combat.
    A sword able to replicate the powers of the Glitch Curse. It will corrode anything it slices, and can also shoot beams that do the same. Get lamposted.
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“TAITC won’t be the villain again.”


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fear me

We’re fighting binah with a melee weapon???

Do I get immunity to the take away curses thing because I use an Epithet instead

don’t be a pussy flare fight me


Fargo uses a singular Nephrite blast

@discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 5

its over guys
im DONE for



the first thing that I, taitc shall do after I win is recreate the entirety of the UK and then destroy it a second time

utilizing truth I let the world remain in it’s true form, free from the corruption of the fucking british (also I guess taitc’s glitch curse but like yknow sideeffects)

nope it’s the glitch curse you don’t disagree with the glitch curse