Forum Curses: The Second Act

Oh am I even lower

not by much…

yeah this is good lets say 4600 damage total

I’m just imagining miss 001 popping in like “hey guys I just found out I have magical powers! wanna see?” as we’re busy pulling a Persona and fighting fucking god for no reason

i just had the coolest idea for an attack i could do while i was in the shower

I mean I assume said god trying to kill his failed attempt to make an army is a good enough reason to fight

You’ve heard of shower thoughts now time for shower attacks

here it is

i’ve been using my notebook and its pages a lot during this fight, but what would happen if i used a page while already inside a page? does it replace it, do they combine, or does it just fail? while all of these are plausible, the one i think is the coolest and allows this idea to work, is that it works identically to using a page in the real world, sending the user and opponent just one layer deeper, like a bag inside a bag. and like those bags, even if you break the one you’re currently in like taitc can do somehow, you just end up in the first one now. while this gets around the limitation of where adding a new colour to a page makes each one weaker, only the effects of one page can be felt at a time. and so, with that established:

i set down the imitation acumen upright on the ground and hover my hand over the notebook floating in front of me and flipping through pages wildly like a mage’s tome. each one of my pencils colours a separate page until the book shines with all of their hues, more dazzling than the morning sunrise. then, they all coalesce into one, and i rip them out;

“layered worlds: recursive rainbow”

here are the trials that await taitc, starting from the deepest page
  • red- lightning and plasma
  • orange- fire and explosion
  • yellow- light
  • green- earth and metal
  • blue- shadow and darkness
  • mint- wind and cloud
  • purple- water and ice
  • black- absorption
  • grey- pierce and slash
  • silver- bounce
  • white- reflection
  • ochre- sticky
  • brown- blunt
  • lilac- portal and gravity
  • cyan- speed
  • amber- grab and restrain
  • forest green- wood and plants
  • pink- squishy
  • slate- hard
  • crimson- damage
  • olive green- camouflage and invisibility
  • emerald green- defence and crystals
  • cobalt- healing
  • indigo- size and shape
  • gold- slip
  • bronze- float
  • platinum- expulsion and attraction
  • dark grey- smoke and ash
  • cerulean- magnetism
  • copper- mental
  • aubergine- acid
  • coral- magma
  • lime- flesh and organisms

you can ask about any of the pages if you want me to explain any specifics that happen there, like going in melee with the imitation acumen during the emerald green or olive green page or dwarfing taitc and trying to stomp him in the indigo page

i don’t know how long it’ll take for him to break out of that, but we should still get some pretty good damage (and healing, don’t forget the cobalt page) done

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who are you sending in to this?

i guess everyone so they can still attack taitc, but it’d just damage him

gonna have to think of a plan for this give me a bit

how many total pages are there (not gonna count)

33, one for each pencil

okay so I’m gonna have TAITC use his ability to modify other peoples attacks for this one.

I’ll roll a D20 for X and a random X pages will be either neutralised or turned to affect the opposite team. As we’ve established the Binary Sword can pretty easily get through a page, every so often I’ll roll another d20. If its above 10, another page is broken.

heheh… shit

Hope you’re ready to feel how it feels for your weapon to be destroyed

At least yours isn’t being destroyed by your own goddamn attack (kinda)

how about I use truth to solidify some pages

that would be appreciated

that would require randomness to confirm if I can do that

TAITC uses modify

Nat 20 lets GO
sorry sock your ability was cool but the luck was on my side this time :pensive:

The above pages are modified
They have all been neutralised.
TAITC is currently in the orange
I also just realised Olive Green is there twice so… you get a lucky break for that one I am not rerolling.

  • orange- fire and explosion
  • green- earth and metal
  • black- absorption
  • white- reflection
  • ochre- sticky
  • lilac- portal and gravity
  • cyan- speed
  • amber- grab and restrain
  • forest green- wood and plants
  • cobalt- healing
  • gold- slip
  • bronze- float
  • cerulean- magnetism
  • copper- mental
  • aubergine- acid

yes I know I messed up just deal with it

Yeah somehow your truth power managed to cause me to mess up irl.