Forum Curses: The Second Act

i have at least 37 if you count all my pins as just one weapon

i throw a bunch of wooden spikes coated with poison

@discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 14

I should probably add the buff idea to Calypso I had

i try and take power from it again, but this time using both my black pencil (absorption) and platinum pencil (expulsion/attraction) to draw more out to absorb

First turn, time for the unga bunga
I form a large pillar of rotating chains and bring it down upon the heartless

Ithrill Forge uses Remorse

“You know, I had a son… I named him after a lesser God in the universe I was in at the time… I left him there. The People always kept moving, and I felt as if I could not take him with me. I regret that.”

Can’t you bring him over?

morals etc etc

ask your son if he’d like to visit you

Bit too late
Your murdering him rn

do we have to? we can always just stop

He did us a solid so it’s only fair to return the favor and grant him what he wants

what kinda messed up pokemon is this? anyways don’t we have his son somewhere in the trello or am i misremembering

His son isn’t on the OA forums but he might be on our forums here


No my dad isn’t an otherworldly god


You’re thinking too meta

realistic banana?