Forum Curses: The Second Act

He’s really is gasing up this theatre club


Are you sure that you would like to not give up on this chance? :pleading_face:
[Yes] [No]

it brought out the pleading face


You weren’t supposed to spot the extra no.
In spite it puts you in the club anyway.

i just won’t participate in it then i guess

A simple yet effective solution


i would join it, wanna create it @sock

Make a topic and pretend it’s a club I guess

i guess i could if that’s allowed

Feel free to make a topic for it

Also @sock profile complete
etc etc
about me?
Sage “sock” Sage on Odysseus Academy Forums | Trello

looks cool but i’m too lazy :grin:

no do it
@DubiousLittleTyp0 please convince him

Sage Sage
magic theory club [custom]

here’s the place for the unofficial magic theory club. i saw that the forums asked us to choose a magic ability for some reason, so i decided to make this. here you can think about and make a bunch of theoretical magics and abilities for worldbuilding or just thinking about them or whatever, basically it’s just like the super power wiki.

ascii cat

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Holy shit is that a ascii cat!?

Yeah I think it might be an ascii cat

Max Pravilna

Age: 16.014400448847665353554

Favourite Subject: Physics

Have you ever heard of Epithet Erased? Basically imagine that this poor kid is cursed with the epithet “Truth” which, alongside giving a chance to tell if people lie, basically give him an inexplainable and vague urge to “find the truth”. He is also very good at figuring out how something, such as someone’s magical ability, works. What isn’t a part of his powers but is just him being unlucky is constantly ending up in situations like The Second Act.

He is armed with a very sturdy magnifying glass, because he learned that conforming to stereotypes makes it easier, and that you should never underestimate a good, hefty little object with a light edge when you’re in a tough corner.

Clubs: Drama

He REALLY needs to find the truth, whatever the truth is, as in when he’s most blissful when he just woke up and for 5 or so seconds he doesn’t have some urge in his head going “I wonder what’s back there”.