Forum Introduction - PresidentStorm

Hey all!

My name is PresidentStorm. I have been lurking through the forum for a little bit and thought about setting up a forum account for myself.

I originally found vetexgames through Arcane Adventures, and quickly fell in love with the game. Of course, as an altoholic child, I rarely made it past Savaria before deciding to try out a different type of magic. I did eventually break that curse though.

I was completely out of the loop and had no idea that World of Magic existed, I just assumed the Arcane universe was over after the filtering enabled bug, lol. I found out about Arcane Odyssey a few days before it launched! I’ve fallen in love with the game, even after taking a bit of a break after playing it a lot during its launch.

I’m going to avoid falling into my old altoholic ways by focusing mostly on one file, maybe dipping toes into other classes and the like. My main file is a Lighting-Water mage, I fell in love with the idea of a Storm Mage when I played Wizard101.

My goals in AO are to 100% the game on my main file, get into the community and become a well known and respected member of it, learn how to PVP, and perhaps one day contribute to the game in some way.

I’m a history buff, and I like worldbuilding and stuff. Been considering making youtube videos about AO’s lore, theories, and the worldbuilding of the islands.

Thanks for reading!


welcome to hell

yip yap yap i aint readin ALLAT :100: :fire: :fire: :joy:

Welcome welcome, enjoy your stay

welcome to our slice of hell we call the forums, enjoy ya stay!

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Ha… More files… TwT
Welcome sir

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Must make more files :moyai:

Welcome to the forums!
If you like world building, consider checking out these awesome worlds:

And also @DubiousLittleTyp0 and @Flare-Chan but they talking mostly in the trusted chat


Lit boy should join me and dubious world building group yep…
The amount of freedom in this group is scary.