Full Release Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Bro, do you know how many gods in greek mythology there are!?

making unique skills swappable would just be a nightmare to balance, or extremely boring to play

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the beam like skill on the staff of night is pretty directly tied to the power of nyx. The blinding and draining you get from the darkness of night. putting that on a weapon that isn’t blessed by nyx doesn’t make much sense. Non specialized rites aren’t restricted to specific spirit weapons so there’s no limitation there.

I’m talking about basic rites, not the unique ones. Unique ones are said to not be swap-able, and it only working for relics under the same god is reasonable.

the original comment i responded to said something about basic rites being swap-able between similar looking spirit items; ie, staff of night rites like spirit leap would only work on another staff spirit items.

I do hope vetex expands the weapon skill application system a bit, so you can select on what button you want what skill, but it will still need more stat points the more skills you attach to it

at least wait until you use them to complain lmao


How is hound a pulsar…

And i dont hear peopel complain that pshot is bootleg beam

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hound is javelin with the minimum explosion amount
besides, spirit rain looks cool enough to call rain of arrows bootleg spirit rain

Its so weird to me when people talk about new skills as “bootlegs” when a good 90% of attacks are literally just reiterations of basic attacks in almost every game

None of these attacks are even that new who tf cares :sob:




they’re like… very different moves

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Hound is flying phoenix

Spirit Hound seems more like Flying Phoenix than anything. There’s no mention of it sticking to people.

Spirit Rain is pretty unique I’d say. The fact that you can’t aim it at a distance probably makes it feel very different to use than Rain of Arrows. It seems useful for discouraging people from closing distance.

actualy, this IS very good comparison

I was thinking it might work well for a Juggernaut, have it rain death while you rushdown the enemy into the ground. Might be too slow to work in practice though.

I wonder if it’d synergize well with items that give reduced attack size, would that make the rain more concentrated?

Wotan but a squid???



“Yeah moochezz, you should have added SPIRIT PISS which does no damage but makes your piss imbued with eagle patrimony!”


Can moochezz get any more based???