Get rid of the ugly fingers i beg of you

Get rid of the ugly fingers i beg of you
effort 3.705882352941177 17 quality 3.705882352941177 17 reasonability 3.904761904761905 21

for all that is good in this world PLEASE get rid of the ugly little fingers when wearing armor


why do i have lego hands but santa claus has opposable thumbs?

why am i frankenstein’s monster?

also I DO NOT wanna be hearing anybody say “b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-bb-b-bb-but this will take away VALUABLE devving time for vetex!! we shouldn’t overwork him with this menial task!!” HE HAS A TEAM NOW! HE CAN JUST HIRE SOMEONE ON THE SIDE TO DO THE INCREDIBLY SIMPLE TASK OF CHANGING THE MODELS TO HAVE A LEGO HAND INSTEAD OF THE UGLY FAT FINGERS THAT ARE SO INCREDIBLY INCON-FUCKING-SISTENT

this is an incredibly genuine post and i must credit @spicytuna in it because he made me make this



glad i wasn’t the only one that thought that

Ao permenatly ruined for me

yes i would like to see this

All that time spent sailing through the dark sea amounts to something, dumbass

Okay, this is not technically deserving of 5 stars on all accounts—HOWEVER—I hate this so badly that I legitimately do not care. I straight up will not use certain sets of armor because they mess with the hands in a way that looks HIDEOUS.

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bro’s having a breakdown

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This suggestion is really good, vetex please do

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i agree… i hate the fingers…

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Would be peak but its never happening since it would require somebody to manually remodel half the arm meshes in the game

Not to mention the meatball hands


Literally unplayable

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i mean i get it but i doubt we’ll have people modelling hands for almost every chestplate in the game so that they still fit their corresponding armor while not having any fingers

Hear me out, just take the hands from the default model, scale it to whatever fits, and then use that.

Eat a taki moss!

would look goofy, it fits practically nothing. now a basic rounded glove like some armors got, like the basic iron armor, is… better, but even then i dont think it’d necessarily fit most armor

That works too, and it’d certainly work better than f ingers

I like what this guy thinks !

move the 2.0 hand onto the other wrists/forearm/shoulders of the other arm models for consistency !

vetex if you ever want some hands to be consistent I got you :wink: