Suggestors, what was your favorite suggestion?

Personally, I like this one, among the ones I’ve posted. It can be something you made or somebody else’s.

crimsonpants’ monster bounty suggestion

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These are all among my favorites. I would put some of mine here too, but it’d be in rather poor taste to do so.

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I was thinking of suggestions you made, but honestly I think I like including others’ suggestions more.

In that case, basically any of CrimsonPants’ suggestions.

I fully understand that I failed the assignment to pick one here, apologies, but I just couldn’t decide.


Well in that case, here:

suggestors, what was my favorite suggestion?


loud wheezing


Actually this might be the best change request on the forums that doesn’t involve the game’s design. There’s no Venn Diagram between AO’s NPCs and those kids who would say “Nuh-uh I dodged” when playing Pretend; it’s just a circle.

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Look momma! I’m famous!

pretty much any suggestion made by crimsonpants ngl

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