Ggs To Everyone In Clans

anyway, imo any witchhunting should just not be allowed, well specifically if some dude follows me to another server to hunt me that should be witch hunting.

also, like why it gotta be multiple people following me for it to be witch hunting. like what

also also, top leaderborders could technically get witch hunted by like 10 dudes. and they get no punishment, wow so fun

Looks like I’m gonna have to be on constant knockback gear to shoot out players wanting to kill me

i’m kinda fucked because i’m too lazy to farm love gel :(((


ngl I’m probably being hunted just because in im elysium, I’d leave but elysium has this really nice green colour for my boat

okay but what about the clan banker aka the one who make clan solely for the purpose of using its bank?

as it is written rn anyone for any reason being in a clan is witch huntable

well fck

time to rizz up every possible individual then to be on their good side :eyes:

Ohh boi…

I’m sure fishing for nearly two hours endlessly at Whitesummit alone in a guild made to unite those who like to fish in the game and having high fame for a decent Deckhands won’t get me hunted and trash talked by PvP head with a kill player count as high as Poseidon Energy asset value all the time while they laughed at calling me pathetic.

I do get your point. What I said was just following the logic of leaderboard players after seeing those posts about a leaderboard player getting stalked by an admiral, and the mod just said it is legal because they are exposing themselves to the public via leaderboards. However I see that verdict as absolute crap, and definitely not setting a precedent in anyway at all. But even then, as Crimsonpants said, I feel like this rule is really just so mods can just have their hands off that can of worms. But at that point they should just say that witch hunting is legal.

It just takes one player or group with no time for touching grass to ruin the experience of others. And the fact that you being in a clan, even if you are alone, is already grounds for denial just makes me infuriated. This sets a dangerous precedent where they will see this is a justification for their actions.

Conspiracies are false, your theory isn’t. Literally 1984.

Laaazy mods as divanochi said

Whos cooking bro.


players in a clan makes no sense same with players in a group

but being able to hunt lb players through servers is nice

I honestly don’t understand the logic here.

Harassment is harassment no matter who the target is, why are certain parties not being protected from toxic members in the community???

Genuinely dumbfounded by how strange and quite frankly terrible this new rule is.

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The only thing I can understand to an extent is Leaderboard players. @DubiousLittleTyp0

Okay, fair, but even at that level, there can still be some nasty vermin that constantly follow and pester LB players who might feel the need to report those kinds of people to a moderator.

But if said moderators are basically going “fuck you lmao” to these kinds of people, what’s stopping these foul players from continuing, if not, encouraging that kind of behaviour?

I mean it’s probably not that bad but nobody is immune to bullies.

only one that made sense from being exempt is lb players cause its intended for people to bounty hunt

people in a guild not being safe is crazy since like 40% of level 125’s are in a guild
there’s nothing to gain from hunting guild players through servers besides harassment

group of players makes 0 sense either
group of friends doing cargo?
well good news you got permission to chase them through servers harrasing them
why? there is legit nothing to gain from the other party other then being toxic

like who wrote this :sob: