Give Arleyborg a unique title for his absurd achievement

Give Arleyborg a unique title for his absurd achievement
effort 4.975609756097561 41 quality 5.0 42 reasonability 5.0 44

I wonder if Tech will ever respond.



The fact that this man did so much cooking is insanity, let this man have a title for cooking

I swear it feels like Vetex just kinds of throws out all suggestions

im pretty sure the angler fish sea beast was a suggestion and the shark hunting objects were a suggestion aswell

Well, I can add some perspective on this as someone whose done game design before. It has a lot to do with feature creep. And maybe some suggestions he had considered, but just thrown on a far-distant backburner to be returned to one day.

So say he expects to be done with something in one month. Adding something like a title for another player might not be that much work on the outside, but he has a lot of stuff on his plate already. Every suggestion is more work for Vetex, more things he has to keep in mind, maybe even more things he has to bug-fix down the line

Feature creep is a major problem for a lot of games, it’s a slow, insidious killer that strangles a game design team with too many expectations. I’m sure nearing the end of early access Vetex will be more open to some suggestions, but right now he has a lot of core features he needs to get done. Probably not too excited to see people throwing more features on his worktable so he is going to only pick the very popular ones.


and i think this was the starting concept for ship guns/weapons

Nah man my suggestion was like a week before the update, I think. Plus the inspirations were there already

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Vetex is putting my suggestion in the game?

The boss itself seems to be added

what is the sea monster even called?

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Angler Wrangler

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Flagler Spangler, Wrangler Angler in Anger


Ah, the fulfiller compeller tunneller, Flagler Spangler, Wrangler Angler in really deep anger

Kind of, it’s pretty scary


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Love and Support from the statue gang!


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No, you made the suggestion way after akontio started working on it.

Also insane how yall dragged out the closing of this topic for like a month :skull: