The Angler (Sea Monster Idea)

The Angler (Sea Monster Idea)
effort 4.571428571428571 7 quality 4.666666666666667 6 reasonability 3.833333333333333 6

The Idea Itself

This is a updated version of my sea monster idea that can be found here:

Details Of The Idea

The Angler resembles a giant angler fish with a body of a castaway instead of a bulb for a lure, the color of the Angler is the exact same color scheme of the anglerfish but a bit darker.

Luring Phase
The Angler only spawns around sun down and night, the Angler will continue moving a direction toward a populated island until it becomes close enough for a ship to see it. The Angler will then raise its lure (Fake castaway) and then stays still until a player comes down within 30 studs of the fake castaway.

Activation Phase
Once a player comes close the fake castaway will then sink to the ocean and the Angler will now rise up from the waters, the Angler will attempt to damage by biting the player or the players ship and then start engaging in a chase toward the player.

Hunting Phase
If the player decides to hit the Angler and/or run away the Angler becomes blood thirsty and starts chasing the player, it’s large mouth starts going toward the ship or player and will deal 500 damage to the player or 1500 damage to a ship. If the ship get far away from the Angler in time or if the Angler can’t get a bite on the prey the Angler stops going into its hunting phase and goes back into its luring phase.

The Angler will only despawn once its in broad day light, it however will not despawn until it is back in its luring phase or killed.

1st Drop - The Anglers Rod
60% Chance Of Dropping
Level 100+
Ripped from the lure of the Angler, this fishing rod is one of the most exotic and useful fishing rods out there. Only being seen on the bravest of all fishermen. When fishing at night, there has been reports to that the lure glows.

Lure: 1.4
Strength: 1
Rarity Chance: 1.2
Item Chance: 1
Stats will be increased by 0.2 when the player fishes at night.

2nd Drop - The Heart Of The Angler
100% Chance of Dropping - Exotic Ingredient
This impure heart filled with chaos and bloodlust enhances a dish of any kind, the effects of this item is unknown.

Time Till It Rots: 2d12h
Adds 2 levels of all effects (Including Sanity) to a food.

Reason to add

Most sea monsters in this game act kind of dumb, they do nothing but get hit = start chasing. That leads to them acting recklessly without any sense of danger for themselves, it would be so much better if there is a sea monster that acts smart and is aware of what it does.

Leave Feedback/Replies Below


Idea: Prank newbies with Cursed Mushrooms, Sun Caraway, Heart of the Angler, and whatever is needed to make a buffet.

I actually quite like this idea. Also expands on castaways which is pretty cool.

Deep in the patch notes, you can find that ingredients that buff status effect potency cannot be stacked.

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finally, a new sea monster that doesnt either give an op armor or just a weapon reskin

i like the idea, seems like a fun fight + i fucking love fishing so im all about for a new fishing rod (especially as unique as this one)

A very unique and original concept for a sea monster, it’s drops are what really sells it for me though since it isn’t just another weapon or piece of armor and is instead a food item and a fishing rod, albeit I am concerned about the high lure stat of the fishing rod since it will make the master angler achievement and the sunken items far easier to obtain


Reasonable and unique enough, cool idea.

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The Anglers Rod is not a guarantee drop so players might have to fight the Angler multiple times. Since sea monsters are rare to find (even in night) I’d say the luring of the Anglers rod is well worth having to seek out for this in the ocean.

This is a lot better and reasonable than the first suggestion you made. It could make sense as well given that it could be a magically tainted angler fish which caused it to grow large in size and come close to the surface.

I think the heart could be better as a rare potion ingredient, but that’s just my opinion.

It’d also be nice if you could give an estimate on it’s health, the recommended level and equipment (including boat stats) to fight it and the speed of the angler monster.

Tell Vetex to 1v1 me infront of a Chinese buffet to undo that because that sounds fun and I like fun.

I take offense to this because I put out a sea monster suggestion that didn’t even have item drops.

Though this is the second anglerfish sea monster recommendation I’ve seen, and so I am starting to get real confident we will see one eventually.

The heart can be both a potion ingredient and food item at the same time.

Can we punch it to death?

good luck doing that, but yes.

I like fishing, this is a good concept. Although it shouldn’t affect the spawn rates of castaways .

How about they can either spawn under a real castaway or by themselves(Explanation: more IQ for the angler)
Perhaps less damage to ships, maybe just 1000 since it’s a more “passive” fish
Maybe they can spawn in the dark sea cuz it’s “dark”.

I like this idea, more items gud

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