Has Vetex Ever Been Wrong / Admitted He Was Wrong

Idk not to be rude or anything, i just want to check something
Has Vetex ever like, been wrong in regards to how he’s developing any of his games up to this point, and ever acknowledged / admitted such?
Whenever people say stuff against how hes doing stuff, we usually just go that Vetex is right
This isnt to be rude or anything, i get that AO is meant to be his vision, im just curious about this


I have three letters for you: WoM



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of course we do
we don’t have a choice
to quote tvtropes’ Forum pecking Order:

“If a forum is devoted to a specific topic, especially in entertainment or pop culture, these are the creators of the works in question. Be they writer, director, actor, or possibly even key grip, they get the celebrity treatment — so long as they can prove they are who they say they are to the other high-rankers. It’s a huge event for the gods to quote your post, reply to your message, or debate your point, and saying anything even slightly insulting or non-lickspittle to one of them will get one labeled a troll”

So you are right in the department that 99% of us are total yes men to the green bolt guy

When we talk about “wrong”, I feel it gets more complicated.
as “wrong”, in this context, is subjective.

You might have an opinion that Vetex’s developing cycle is wrong since he tends to dump em and stop devving them a few years after release, while you might also think this is a good thing since he’s filling out his portfolio as a game designer.

You might also have the opinion that his use of 2.0 packages is obnoxious and wrong, while others think it’s a good design choice.

It all boils down to what you think and what your mindset is.
but let’s be honest he probably won’t take your criticisms all to heart unless it really catches his eye and doesn’t call him a tard.


literal facts wtf

tvtropes don’t fucking lie

Vetex is definitely more experienced in game design then is, but I’ve seen some criticism that had a point and was simply shot down without addressing it

The release date:


ah shit we all forgot

Man responded with facts

I hate how this applies to this to here so much it’s perfect and you can see proof of this everyday

This is kind of a silly question since anyone who isn’t a literal Vetex worshipper would concede that Vetex, being a human being, has made a wrong decision or misstep in game development at some point in his life, especially since I’m pretty sure he’s self taught (feel free to correct me on this tho).

In any case, what do you mean by wrong here? I can currently think of #num ways that you might hvae meant this, but I’m not sure which (if any) you were referring to here.

  1. Wrong in the sense of having made a wrong prediction (in relation to development)

  2. Wrong in the sense of having made a wrong decision/choice (in relation to development)

  3. Wrong in the sense of having included a factual or logical error in some detail of game development, probably lore

The answer to all of them is probably “yes” though.
I mean, I guess in terms of predictions you might say that he constantly underestimates the magnitude of the task and ends up creating unrealistic release dates, causing inevitable disappointment when he can’t meet up to the unrealistic goal he set up for himself.

In terms of decisions and choices, you might say that WoM is one massive example, though you might argue on where exactly the error lay in his decision to make WoM. Was it execution, or was the idea he had just bad in general? Did he just not have enough time? Did he underplan? People probably have many opinions, but most agree that he fucked up somewhere with WoM (though there are a few that think WoM was literally the best thing on Roblox and wish death upon him for not continuing with it, they’re all in all an extreme minority).

Remember the 57 and a half times AA got an inventory wipe?

For context: This was on a topic I made about the sun in the Arcane Universe, asking why in all the games it’s different in every direction. In AA the sun rises from the north, in WoM it rises from the west, and in AO it rises from the south.

Vetex’s initial answer was that since the war seas are on the opposite side of the world the sun rises in the opposite direction which just makes no sense at all. Later his answer was changed to explain that the Earth’s rotation has been shifted from Durza’s attack. Though I guess this is less of “changed” and more of “expanded upon”


While not really wrong Vetex’s initial suggestion that since the War Seas are on the other side of the world their sun rises differently was completely wrong here, even if corrected later and ultimately irrelevant.

Our big green bolted overlord ain’t so perfect after all :fr:


Kind of a weird gripe for someone to have, to be honest.
I think it fits the overall aesthetic of the game pretty well.

I feel like the more common variant of this complaint is that he doesn’t finish his dev projects, which is a different issue from simply not having long lasting projects. Not necessarily mutually exclusive.

Sussy topic

Kinda weird just by itself, but I wonder if he actually decided that the change in the sun’s apparent movement across the sky would be a minor plot point while working on the worldbuilding aspect of the game? Was this something he actively decided upon before this topic, or is this a post-hoc rationalization he made? I’m guessing it’s the second, since the first would imply that he had hours and days to actually think about it and realize that it makes no sense but never actually realized that this was the case, which is kind of unbelievable to me.

More than likely just a random thing that could be rationalized by an easy explanation, I doubt he thought mouth about it

How about “Has Vetex Ever Admitted He Was Wrong?”
In the Sun example, he kinda just worked his way around it

It was just something I personally noticed that I figured no one seemed to bother with. They’re not even exactly within those three specific directions. The AA sun rises slightly eastward (iirc), the sun in WoM is almost completely west with some slight favor of the north (iirc), and the AO sun rises almost completely in the south west (iirc), but I personally think it favors the south. Really hard to tell with AO since I only have access to tester footage.

My headcanon is that no one bothered to give a fuck and I’m just the only person who even bothered with this very small detail. It’s kinda like that wood guy on Twitter who comments on people’s builds on Roblox and judges how well/accurately they did the wood. Same energy I was going for and just a detail no one bothered to check. Still that topic is one of my favorites.