i wouldnt really call it being wrong because even if i knew people would rage about the amount of content in wom there’s nothing I couldve done about it lol, the game rushed release cause i was too poor to keep working on it while it was closed
You’re really just going on a thread called “Has Vetex Ever Been Wrong” and just disagreeing with people? Like… you’re right about this particular issue, but… come on.
keeping WoM still open.
Vetex was kind of proving the point, funnily enough.
I feel like all of this is just a culmination of 3 years of stress from being stuck in his basement making AO.
Once the game releases for early access, he’ll be a free man
until he needs to start making more of the story
and make wardens not shit (spirit weapons)
im not saying ive never been wrong bro im replying to a specific scenario, relax
What are you even arguing
guys the answer should be super obvious that vetex has been wrong.
he’s just a human.
probably the most common example of him being wrong is him with release dates
Estimates ≠ deadlines
The problem is that he never admits he was wrong, he usually just dodges it by making some kind of excuse (ex. that time when people questioned the cardinal directions of AO)
But yeah, Vetex is a human, and everybody has their flaws and makes mistakes, whether we like it or not.
okay that’s a bit odd but regardless he’s still human.
Or there is a lore explanation?
It’s not like it’s something unexplainable nor is it something that couldn’t be easily fixed
That’s literally a lore explanation is it not
And again going back to my other point, if it was “incorrect” then vetex could easily just fix it, it’s literally just the orientation of the compass or the sun
Ngl, i think he should have contacted Nasa in that scenario
Yea idk what vetex was talking about there lmao
when did i say “i am never wrong”, i am literally explaining how those situations are not me being wrong and just peoples expectations of wom being too high, stop trying to reach to prove a point bruh jesus
i never said this, i explained that the attack fucked up the earth’s axis and rotation, how tf would it make the sun revolve around the earth
bro the sun rising and setting in different directions has ALWAYS been a thing even back in AA, it was not a mistake, it was an intended decision due to durza’s attack, which is why in AO the sun setting is consistent with how it works in AA. if it was a mistake, i would have corrected it in AO
this whole thread turned into people being ignorant instead of naming actual examples of how ive been wrong such as release estimates
(lmao he liked it too)