Information on the Sun

why would mistakes in cardinal directions for the sun’s placement matter in a block game rpg

vetex probably forgor

I am like 90% sure this is the case :nod:

impossible. vetex never makes mistakes

vetex is the pinnacle of human intellect and he’s a god no way he’d make a mistake!!! but maybe he did and he’s not the pinnacle of human intellect and not a god. I’m having an existential crisis


short answer: someone spammed lightning magic too much

it rises in the south in AO cuz its on the complete opposite side of the world compared to AA, so when the sun sets in the war seas it would be rising in the seven seas


That literally makes 0 sense

Sun is apparently revolving around Earth now


(Ignore this i’m stupid)

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This is due to Earth rotating and how the Earth revolves around the sun, not the sun revolving around the Earth.

This wouldn’t even make sense in Greek mythology since Helios is dead and Apollo is also dead.


Even if the Sun revolved around the Earth, wouldn’t each side of our globe still have it’s sun go across the sky in the same direction?

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Yes, if the sun was rising from the East and going West or vice versa because those are subjective cardinal directions

North and South are objective cardinal directions that will never change, like how every location is either simultaneously East and West of a location or not East nor west at all of a location with 0 in between

North and South objectively don’t change which is why it would have the behavior Vetex said if the Sun revolves around the Earth in the Arcane universe.

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I feel bad that you spent your time typing that for me since my brain that hasn’t aged since kindergarten can’t fathom a single word of it.

TLDR: I have the big stupid

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The sun rising in the south and setting in the north for AO and rising in the north and setting in the south for the 7 Seas can entirely happen if the ecliptic goes over the magnetic poles like this


If you’re trying to get somewhere directly east of where you are, you can also go west to get there because the earth is not flat.

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I have 6 space & science encyclopedias and my brain still doesn’t function enough to understand this

Ok extremely simplified

Imagine Left and Right

They depend on Forward, if you turn around, you have a different left and right

West and East are like left and right

Instead of depending on where you’re facing, they depend on where North or South is

North and South are like Forward

North and South will always be in 1 relative position on the Earth

The North and South Pole

Therefore they won’t change while the sun is revolving around the planet

But ya the model only works if the sun revolves around the Earth in Arcane universe

Would’ve been a lot better if he just said that magic producing tons of electromagnetic energy disrupted compasses or smth

Yes, that is in fact assuming the sun is revolving around the planet

If in AA the sun rose in the north, then in AO it would have to be the same thing too. Due to the planet spinning one way(north in this case), no matter where you are in the world the sun would rise from the north.

Imagine having a ball and a flashlight in a dark room. If you were to shine that flashlight on the ball, then one side of it would be covered in light and the other would be dark. Now if you were to turn that ball 180, you would notice that the opposite side of the ball from before now shows light and the other does not. If you were to keep on turning the ball in the same direction, then you will notice that the light is showing and disappearing all in one way.

If you notice, the light came and went in whatever direction you chose. That’s how it works with day and night on Earth or whatever planet you want to imagine.

The planet can’t spin North or else it wouldn’t be North…


wait who the hell is driving the chariot??

Better explanation, helios is dead and his chariot is just running in random directions because it has no idea what its doing.
Imagine, you’re just sitting on the beach and suddenly the sun takes a 90 degree turn.