Headless uses autofishing?

So upon reading this thread I can see people are complaining about my auto-fisher I created. But before I talk about that let me make a couple of notes here:

I fine with admitting it perfectly fine, never have I said I was not using one. Please don’t try to spread misinformation to assert your agenda of hating me for using an auto-clicker.

The only reason this topic is appearing is because of the testers I gave the auto clicker too started to make it more known that auto-clicking was possible.

Let’s talk about some main points right now.

Is Auto-clicking unfair?

I don’t believe auto-clicking is unfair at all, something unfair in-game would be along the lines of auto clickers able to get more fish over a period of time that a normal player was fishing. In no shape or form is this a hack, exploit, or any script injected into the game. Many people already macro even BEFORE I created this auto fisher. (They stay in one spot and keep picking up 1 chest)

The only reason why people are annoyed about auto-fishers is that they don’t have them. If they did they would not be making these types of posts. Anyways, even if I did not make the auto clicker is one of your points as a head mod I shouldn’t be doing this, a macro would eventually come out either way and we would still allow it most likely.


Make it public or the people revolt!

I’m pretty excited about what headless has to say too, actually, but let me say a couple things as a final “this is my view”

I don’t see it as tryharding to make a program, because this is my personal goal, it’s a project to create an auto fisher. It’s a cool way to get into programming, and I know at least one other person who sees it the same way. Whether or not most people see it that way, I don’t know.
A surprising amount of people who weren’t testers are also making autofishers, although a lot are like me and have no idea what they’re doing.

You’re right in that regard. I kind of overlooked the fact that the playerbase is mainly comprised of children. By children I mean people like, 12 and under. Kind of unrelated, but I really wish I started programming earlier, that would be an actually useful skill to have. Instead of you know, literally nothing.

I don’t know if it would be a monopoly, but it would definitely lower the value of sunken armor, at the very least. Well, that’s what happens when you have something be stupid rare.

I actually noticed something like that, all the high ranks in the discord act as a positive echo chamber. I like the game, I respect Vetex’s work. But if you even TRY and say fishing isn’t fun, they’ll burn you alive for daring to question vetex.

Once again, I kind of forgot the general age group of roblox. My bad.

tl;dr: I’m starting to see why automation could be bad, e.g. bots flooding the market, but I also still think that it’s morally fine to create a program to automate tasks for you, as long as you don’t do stuff like the above.

jumbo do gotta point tho
hand it over. :dagger:

I never even mentioned that if you’re farming normally, your going to get more fish per second than if you used my auto-clicker. My auto clicker wastes a bunch of time already on 1 fish, and sometimes the reel is not in the water so it takes a minute to put it into the water. Point is, my auto clicker isnt perfect and by normal means of fishing its way faster.

@NaCl had the big brain idea of using the item border to detect when you reel in a fish, to optimize it. Maybe you could implement that into your program to make it better?

This will never work because other stuff has the border aswell, notifications in general will appear which will cause your auto clicker to get false positives.

oh. Well, good to know.

Normal means of fishing is not effective if you’re away from your computer. Auto-fishing has that advantage and could be ran all night, no?

It can be ran all night yes, but that rarely happens as you will wake up the next day with your character no where near where you were before due to rkers.

you could make it track the spot where the [!] bubble appears, and make it click a preset amount of times whenever it appears to be safe, like I dunno 60 over the span of 8 seconds, once this clicking is finished you could make it click once and check if the blubber thingy on the end of the line is in the water and if it isn’t, click again

Thats crazy and all headless, but macro release when? :roll_eyes:

he said himself the macro is slower than if you were to fish by yourself lol

Don’t care, would rather have it slower than not at all when im asleep

bro you might be losing baits from it lol

i nearly have 1.6k thousand, i legitimately could not care less

He should make it public in the forums and discord.

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or you guys could just make it yourself

he fr should, give the dedicated players a chance to get sunken gear :roll_eyes:

Why would I do that if he literally has one already?

would, but don’t know the program he used