Hecate Essence Rant and a Call for Answers Regarding it

Then start preparing to gank lvl 400 atlanteans with your friends

Heā€™s stuck between a rock and a hard place, either options would lead to more criticism
So he chose the one that would satisfy the most amount of people, add a magic-changing mechanic that is lvl 400+ recommended, but people seem to skim over the last part

weapons, just switch the weapon, 0 effort, might take some times if itā€™s a boss weapon, but still no effort as itā€™s always there

Fighting styles, just sail around and meet these ppl and pay them, very little effort

Magic: You must go on a expedition to an area where enemies are nearly 3 times your own level and you much search these unfathomably massive islands for the small chance of having the capability to change 1 single aspect of how you do combat while hoping you do not get oneshot before you find what you are looking for

Your petulant sense of entitlement to a response from the developer made you difficult to take seriously, but your insults to people that donā€™t agree with you, such as calling someone AI, has made it impossible.


heresy i love throwing fireballs

Yea I donā€™t know if crusade is an AI or not, everything they respond to me with is completely disconnected from anything I say and makes absolutely 0 sense.
Look at our ā€œconversationā€ and tell me that anything Iā€™m saying is actually reaching him.

I ask if theyā€™re reading what I say and they say:
ā€œbecause your vision is shortsighted!ā€
what does that even mean??? how is that a response???

Look at their most recent response and tell me what on earth it has to do with what they responded to.
Attempting to talk to crusade feels like talking to chat GPT, except somehow more one-sided.

He very much did not, and he had a clear choice that would have led to little to no criticism.

If vetex wanted to satisfy the most people, he wouldnā€™t have made it recommended over three times the level cap. Why on earth would he get criticism for just making it reasonable?
No sane person is going to get pissy because mages can change their builds.

I think youā€™d have better luck asking for Vetex to give people a free magic reset like how we have a free stat reset.

It was 1-2 AM when I was arguing with you

Switching weapons is more akin to changing spells than actually changing your magic.
I think that a better comparison to changing your magic for warriors would be something like finding weapons such as sunken swords/staffs, scald/poison daggers, urchin maces, etc; instead, which can be just as (or sometimes even more) annoying as looking for a purple fart in the middle of a gigantic island. (Unless you rich and go to the auction house).

The weapons you use determine have all the same affinity types as magics, size, speed, destruction, etc. The weapons you choose are like choosing your 3 magics. Using skill notes is changing your spells on those magics.

Fair, the changing on affinity is a good point, but still, unlike magics most weapons dont have status effects and cant sinergise with eachother the way magics can, and those that do are usually just as rare as hecate essence

The difference here is that sunken weapons, boss drops, and atlantean weapons, can all be obtained naturally through normal gameplay.
If you want a hecate essence, you have to go so far out both literally and figuratively that you arenā€™t going to be bringing back anything else.
You arenā€™t going to head into the far reaches for any other reason unless something absolutely crazy is added out there, which probably wonā€™t happen for atleast a year or two.

On the other hand, you could be doing abyssal diving spots for abyssal modifier items and oh hey look a sunken sword.

all due respect, how are you not banned

Pretty sure pinging vetex once alone isnā€™t enough to get someone banned and the criticism isnā€™t mindless slander either

oh, okay. every other instance ive seen of a vetex ping resulted in a ban, even if it was temporary

Either they did something before that, something in the ping was offensive, and/or nobody has flagged theoretical. Iā€™d be really surprised if it was that last one.

Probably because heā€™s giving actual feedback

I would be surprised if I havenā€™t been flagged either.
Some of the people in this thread seem to absolute despise me.
and honestly the feelingā€™s mutual for some of them, rayman was a surprise, though.
I did not take him for a bootlicker before now, but damn.

The mods donā€™t respond to vetex ping flags, they just let vetex punish at his own discretion

Having your magic choice be a permanent part of your characterā€™s identity sounds cool on paper but you cannot tell what itā€™s going to play like at max level just by the stats listed on the selection screen.

I was making a metal paladin slot a couple days ago and it felt incredible in the early game because of how much damage it did, but once I finally got my awakening I realized a couple issues:

  • The tier scaling as a hybrid obliterated my size, I thought it would stop being tiny when I leveled up but it didnā€™t. The free size on Spirit imbue didnā€™t make up for it either.

  • I now need to go against level 260 NPCs, which require staying at a much safer distance where metal can barely operate. During the story the bosses either didnā€™t really punish you for getting to close or held still so long the terrible speed didnā€™t matter.

It also happens all too often that a slot just gets stale after 100+ hours so you donā€™t really wanna play it anymore, however it has so much progress that to resetting it would mean losing everything, but to find a Hecate essence would be the most painful time sink imaginable.