Hecate Essence Rant and a Call for Answers Regarding it

It’s not stupid, it’s poorly executed and badly communicated
Right now, most of the community sees it as ‘oh yeah it’s the only way to change your magic and it’s stupidly difficult because uhh vetex is mean idk’
But in actuality, it’s meant to be ‘oh you wanna change magic ok sure you can go to far reaches to change but I don’t recommend it until you’re level 400 or so’

Yo I have a quick question can cargo in storage be used to repair my ship

We can’t reach level 400 now and probably not few a couple more years.

That’s my view on it but Vetex is damned if he does damned he if he doesn’t.
Damned if he does because of this whole situation because people want endgame content to be made easier for early game.
Damned if he doesn’t because people will whine about not having the option at all.

No, this situation isn’t like that at all.
In what world is magic changing, a basic feature 3/4 of classes have on hand for free, realistically supposed to be an endgame feature.

If that’s how he wants it to be when that is a realistic challenge for players to take, sure, go for it, but right now its very much not feasible.

Like when we can actually reach level 400 and do that, most players realistically won’t want to change magics until lost/ancient magics open up and they can really see their options.
However, we’re a LONG way from then.

For now, something should be done to alleviate the issue, it should not be balanced for something we’re years away from.

are you guys still talking about this

just wait until vetex responds and quit wasting time with arguing, we get it, you hate the feature

This is actually just theoretical’s really over the top account deletion post

he did ping vetex so i wouldnt be surprised if he did get deleted

you clearly don’t get it if that’s the message you’ve gotten.
anyways don’t you have anything better to do with your time than antagonize me?

In addition, I take vetex as a more reasonable person than that.
In most cases where he’s outright suspended somebody for pinging him, its just been a huge pointless hate post with nothing worth saying to say. This is not that.

idk i mean me and others have been talking about how you come across as an arrogant cunt so i wouldnt be surprised if vetex also thought so

uh huh so you dont hate the thing youve spent all day ranting over sure

bit hypocritical considering ive sent like 3 messages all totalling like 3 minutes in total to send

while youve spent all day arguing about this damn feature in a lego game, and you say I dont have anything better to do ok bro

I am:
1: Calling attention to a problem.
2: Discussing the problem with others.
3: Offering potential solutions to the problem.
4: Asking why no solution has been implemented.

You have done nothing but joke around, antagonize me, and generally be an asshole.
So no, I don’t look at you with the same respect that I look at most other people with.
If that makes me come across as an “arrogant cunt” to you, then stop talking to me and that’d solve both of our issues.

cuz its funnt

you could ignore the people making jokes instead of telling them to f off smghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

They are derailing, so no, I’m not going to ignore it.
I’ve had plenty of suggestions and posts killed by people like you derailing them.

thats gotta be racist

like you, meaning useless forum trolls that do nothing for anybody and actively spit on people for showing any effort or taking themselves even vaguely seriously.

sounds like ive struck a nerve

if you stopped replying to me with your useless insults the topic wouldnt be derailed would it you sub human idiot

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Makes sense from a game stand point
But from a story stand point it be kinda weird if everyone could run around changing their magic anytime they wish
I do agree however that it is a little too rare and some hints if you’re near would help

I completely agree.
Hecate essence being a reasonable thing to find makes absolutely zero sense in lore, but gameplay should always take priority.

Anyways, if a mod sees this, could you do me a favor and obliterate posts 126 through 138 to get rid of all this junk clogging the discussion? Aswell as any potential future posts that may be made after I write this, attempting to continue the pointless drama.

I think magic changing being harder to do is fine because it gives identity to magic users.

The identity thing is two fold: First, there’s the fact you’re using magic. Someone that uses magic, with it being so hard to change, you can guess that they either thought about their choice, or have learned to deal with the strengths and weaknesses of their magic due to not being able to change it easily. This may not come up often, but I think the distinction is something to think about. Secondly, there’s the fact that you chose a particular magic. Seeing someone use an uncommon weapon or an unpopular fighting style isn’t a big deal more often than not, but a magic that isn’t popular? That’s something to talk about.

What about the identity for fighting styles and weapons? Fighting styles tend to have unique benefits when played to their strengths, and they fall behind when you fail to do so. Being able to switch fighting styles easily is important because you may choose one that you just can’t play well. As for weapons, their identity is the versatility earned by amassing a collection of weapons, and choosing weapons that work well with each other.

Why does this matter? If changing magic becomes trivial, as mundane as getting in your boat and sailing to the magic dealership, then its identity becomes a lot weaker. It becomes fighting styles where the only distinction is the stat spread and the status effects. It takes the magic away from the decision of what magic to use.

Being able to change magic easily would be more convenient, but convenience doesn’t always improve a game.

Preach :pray: