Hiring All Villains! - Chapter 16

< Chapter 15

As the ice shards came hurling towards them, the group of villains only had slight milliseconds to react. Kevin placed down his hands towards the ground floor, placing up the largest ice wall he could make. The ice wall only managed to get most of the shards out of the way, only leaving the shards near the hallway ceiling to continue speeding down. Seeing as the ice shards were no longer a danger, they ignored the rest of them.

The speeding woman then used her heels to kick the thick ice wall. The frozen defense seemed impenetrable, but the woman managed to break past with a couple of heavy kicks. Behind the wall stood Kevin, Amelia, and Koyl, all ready to attack her at once.

Using the ice from the ice wall that was previously made, Kevin emitted a chunk of ice in order to capture the woman. Next, while her torso was still encapsulated, Amelia went straight in and dispersed a large wind gust towards the woman’s face. Next, Koyl charged up his sword and stabbed the woman straight through one of her calves. Once deep in her flesh, Koyl began to heat up the sword even more.

“You two might want to get back!” Amelia and Kevin jumped back as Koyl slowly rotated the sword. The woman repeatedly cried out to stop, but Koyl just kept going. The sword was so horrid, that her wound turned brown as if it were a cooked steak.

“Koyl, that’s enough! She can’t go anywhere!”Kevin ordered. It seemed as though Koyl was in a daze. His senses to reality were all tuned out, as he was only concentrating on causing her immense misery. He slowly took out the sword, only to aggressively stab her in the same spot once again. “Koyl, I said that’s enough!”

To Koyl, Kevin’s words started to echo within his head. Even so, he ignored such orders. As he continued torturing the woman, bad memories started to come back to him about his past…

Koyl closed both of his eyes, hearing sounds of loud banging drums playing in his head. The beat of the song was slow in rhythm, with each beat only occurring once every second. As he continued in his trance, he could himself standing before an old hut with a roof made of wood and straw. The night was pitch black, with not another person in sight. He turned his head to see the rest of the scenery surrounding the hut, but all he could see was a field of tall grass, and all he could hear were crickets whispering into his ear.

The hut was tall, as it had poles of support underneath it. The hut also had a platform angled towards the rough, dusty ground in order to enter inside. Suddenly, the tempo of the song began to slowly rise up.

He walked on the angled platform and lifted up the soft green blanket that covered up the door. What he saw was a mother, a daughter, and a son, all gathered around small plates of food, ready for digestion. The children were little in age, with both not looking more than 9 years old. The mother then motioned for her two children to eat, becoming full with the happiness of her kin. The more they ate, the more her smile grew.

The tempo of the drums once again sped up, becoming more and more aggressive as it lingered on. Suddenly, a burst of instruments started to play from outside the hut. Koyl hurried over to lift up the blanket, seeing a whole festival occurring right in front of him. Lines upon lines of people drinking and dancing with each other, with explosions of colors filling up the night sky. The people seemed so happy and carefree, that it even captured Koyl’s interest.

Seeing as everyone seemed so joyful, Koyl desired to join in on the festive activities. Loads of instruments played in harmony as the song became loud and rapid. As he sat on a log, he heard a loud scream coming from the hut that he had previously been in. At this point, the music was playing so fast, that all of the sounds broke off from one another, creating varied pitches of violent noises.

Once he went into the hut, he saw a drunken middle-aged man attempt to steal the food from the family. The mother fought back, protecting both the food and the lives of her little ones. They rummaged around the hut, with the mother taking blow after blow. The woman managed to grab a large pot, and slammed it against the man’s head. The drunk was knocked over, but persistently got back up.

The woman screamed at the man, hiding her two children behind her, her hands conforming their heads. “Fine! You want the food, just take it! Let us be!” Unfortunately, the man wouldn’t leave, he just stood there for a few seconds, staring into her soul. He crept up right in front of her, pinning her to the ground, and repeatedly punching wherever he could. The girl screamed in terror as her mother was being abused. Reluctantly, the boy ran outside, leaving the two within the hut.

Immediately, Koyl jumped into action, except he realized that his rageful fist went right through the man, with nobody else even realizing his presence. Searching for the boy, Koyl quickly decided to run outside to see where the boy escaped off to. Before Koyl could exit from the hut, the boy came back in with a large machete.

Realizing the boy was going to attack the man, the sister grabbed a pot of hot food, and poured it all over the drunk man. Angry, he paused his tirade with the woman to now attack the little girl. Bravely, the boy stabbed the man right in his calf, attempting to turn it to cause the man the most pain. Facing reality for what he did, he brought up his strength in order to pull the machete out.

The two children went on to treat the mother, with the caring woman holding onto both of their faces. She rubbed both of their thick black hair, having lakes of tears falling down her bruised face. It hurt for her to move, but she did anyway in order to feel her children one last time. As the girl ran out for help, the boy stayed by his mother’s side, with her soon falling back into an eternal sleep.

Angry, the boy had kissed his mother on her forehead, grabbing the machete one final time. Knowing that he had stabbed the calf before, the boy violently gripped the machete with both of his hands and repeatedly stabbed the drunk man on the floor. The music that Koyl heard before fully came to a halt, as all he could hear was the little boy filling himself up with empty rage.

“That little boy… is me.”

Chapter 17 >